On Tue, 2019-02-12 at 21:12 -0700, Jason Gunthorpe wrote: +AD4 diff --git a/drivers/infiniband/ulp/srp/ib+AF8-srp.c b/drivers/infiniband/ulp/srp/ib+AF8-srp.c +AD4 index 84184910f0380c..151f4eba84b872 100644 +AD4 --- a/drivers/infiniband/ulp/srp/ib+AF8-srp.c +AD4 +-+-+- b/drivers/infiniband/ulp/srp/ib+AF8-srp.c +AD4 +AEAAQA -4127,7 +-4127,8 +AEAAQA static void srp+AF8-add+AF8-one(struct ib+AF8-device +ACo-device) +AD4 struct srp+AF8-device +ACo-srp+AF8-dev+ADs +AD4 struct ib+AF8-device+AF8-attr +ACo-attr +AD0 +ACY-device-+AD4-attrs+ADs +AD4 struct srp+AF8-host +ACo-host+ADs +AD4 - int mr+AF8-page+AF8-shift, p+ADs +AD4 +- int mr+AF8-page+AF8-shift+ADs +AD4 +- unsigned int p+ADs +AD4 u64 max+AF8-pages+AF8-per+AF8-mr+ADs +AD4 unsigned int flags +AD0 0+ADs +AD4 +AD4 +AEAAQA -4194,7 +-4195,7 +AEAAQA static void srp+AF8-add+AF8-one(struct ib+AF8-device +ACo-device) +AD4 WARN+AF8-ON+AF8-ONCE(srp+AF8-dev-+AD4-global+AF8-rkey +AD0APQ 0)+ADs +AD4 +AH0 +AD4 +AD4 - for (p +AD0 rdma+AF8-start+AF8-port(device)+ADs p +ADwAPQ rdma+AF8-end+AF8-port(device)+ADs +-+-p) +AHs +AD4 +- rdma+AF8-for+AF8-each+AF8-port (device, p) +AHs +AD4 host +AD0 srp+AF8-add+AF8-port(srp+AF8-dev, p)+ADs +AD4 if (host) +AD4 list+AF8-add+AF8-tail(+ACY-host-+AD4-list, +ACY-srp+AF8-dev-+AD4-dev+AF8-list)+ADs Please remove the space after +ACI-rdma+AF8-for+AF8-each+AF8-port+ACI to keep the usage of this macro consistent with other similar macros in the Linux kernel, e.g. list+AF8-for+AF8-each+AF8-entry(). diff --git a/include/rdma/ib+AF8-verbs.h b/include/rdma/ib+AF8-verbs.h +AD4 index 135fab2c016c69..99a4868f4d9c58 100644 +AD4 --- a/include/rdma/ib+AF8-verbs.h +AD4 +-+-+- b/include/rdma/ib+AF8-verbs.h +AD4 +AEAAQA -2828,6 +-2828,16 +AEAAQA static inline u8 rdma+AF8-start+AF8-port(const struct ib+AF8-device +ACo-device) +AD4 return rdma+AF8-cap+AF8-ib+AF8-switch(device) ? 0 : 1+ADs +AD4 +AH0 +AD4 +AD4 +-/+ACoAKg +AD4 +- +ACo rdma+AF8-for+AF8-each+AF8-port - Iterate over all valid port numbers of the IB device +AD4 +- +ACo +AEA-device - The struct ib+AF8-device +ACo to iterate over +AD4 +- +ACo +AEA-iter - The unsigned int to store the port number +AD4 +- +ACo-/ +AD4 +-+ACM-define rdma+AF8-for+AF8-each+AF8-port(device, iter) +AFw +AD4 +- for (iter +AD0 rdma+AF8-start+AF8-port(device +- BUILD+AF8-BUG+AF8-ON+AF8-ZERO(+ACEAXwBf-same+AF8-type( +AFw +AD4 +- unsigned int, iter)))+ADs +AFw +AD4 +- iter +ADwAPQ rdma+AF8-end+AF8-port(device)+ADs (iter)+-+-) Why do you want to force the use of 'unsigned int' for port numbers? Thanks, Bart.