Okay, just did that:
printk(KERN_WARNING PFX "Debug pool %d - %d\n", list_len,
result is:
fmr_pool: Debug pool 1 - 0
means that the max_pages is set to 0
any idea how why and how to solve that?
On 7 Jun 2017, at 21:05, Robert LeBlanc wrote:
On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 12:46 PM, Thomas Rosenstein
<thomas.rosenstein@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
lio config (extract - .json file attached)
o- iscsi
[1-way disc auth, Targets: 1]
| o- iqn.2017-01.at.cf-it.at-storage-01
[TPGs: 1]
| o- tpg1
[no-gen-acls, auth per-acl]
| o- acls
[ACLs: 1]
| | o- iqn.2017-01.at.cf-it.kubernetes.db-1
..................................................... [1-way auth,
LUNs: 1]
| | o- mapped_lun0
fileio/kubernetes_db_1 (rw)]
| o- luns
[LUNs: 1]
| | o- lun0 ..........................................
| o- portals
[Portals: 1]
| o-
at-storage-01 modules:
ib_isert 49152 4
iscsi_target_mod 294912 8 ib_isert
ib_iser 49152 0
libiscsi 57344 1 ib_iser
scsi_transport_iscsi 98304 2 ib_iser,libiscsi
target_core_mod 352256 43
rdma_cm 53248 4 ib_iser,ib_isert,rpcrdma,rdma_ucm
ib_core 208896 15
at-host-18 modules:
ib_isert 49152 0
iscsi_target_mod 299008 1 ib_isert
ib_iser 49152 0
libiscsi 57344 1 ib_iser
scsi_transport_iscsi 98304 3 ib_iser,libiscsi
target_core_mod 352256 3 iscsi_target_mod,ib_isert,ib_srpt
rdma_cm 53248 4 ib_iser,ib_isert,rpcrdma,rdma_ucm
ib_core 208896 15
Commands to initialize iscsiadm:
iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p -I iser
iscsiadm -m node -P 1
Target: iqn.2017-01.at.cf-it.at-storage-01
Iface Name: iser
iscsiadm -m node -l
->> creates the logs
@deleted and recreated, multiple times
ib_isert and ib_iser are loaded on both servers
The config looks good to me. I did have a similar problem with a RoCE
card where I could not get iSER working although RDMA did work.
Looking at the code, it seems that maybe the QLogic driver is not
properly allocating some memory that iSER is trying to use. I'm not
expert in this so I could be completely off base here, just trying to
help out.
If you are adventerious, you can add some print statements in
drivers/infiniband/core/fmr_pool.c in the ib_fmr_pool_map_phys
function to see what may be going on. I think you are hitting this
if (list_len < 1 || list_len > pool->max_pages)
return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
I would check the values of list_len and pool->max_pages before that.
Robert LeBlanc
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