[PATCH rdma-core 6/6] Add a script to run builds in docker containers

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This is useful to build test packaging and compiles in a wide range of
environments. It requires docker to be installed.

Signed-off-by: Jason Gunthorpe <jgunthorpe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 README.md       |  11 +
 buildlib/cbuild | 740 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 751 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 buildlib/cbuild

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9c69bb545c0596..b77256ef44aba3 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -113,3 +113,14 @@ bug and how your fix works.
 Make sure that your contribution can be licensed under the same
 license as the original code you are patching, and that you have all
 necessary permissions to release your work.
+## TravisCI
+Submitted patches must pass the TravisCI automatic builds without warnings.
+A build similar to TravisCI can be run locally using docker and the
+'buildlib/cbuild' script.
+$ buildlib/cbuild build-images travis
+$ buildlib/cbuild pkg travis
diff --git a/buildlib/cbuild b/buildlib/cbuild
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000000..98f69dbfba3d9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildlib/cbuild
@@ -0,0 +1,740 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2015-2016 Obsidian Research Corp. See COPYING.
+"""cbuild - Build in a docker container
+This script helps using docker containers to run software builds. This allows
+building for a wide range of distributions without having to install them.
+Each target distribution has a base docker image and a set of packages to
+install. The first step is to build the customized docker container:
+ $ buildlib/cbuild build-images fc25
+This will download the base image and customize it with the required packages.
+Next, a build can be performed 'in place'. This is useful to do edit/compile
+cycles with an alternate distribution.
+ $ buildlib/cbuild make fc25
+The build output will be placed in build-fc25
+Finally, a full package build can be performed inside the container. Note this
+mode actually creates a source tree inside the container based on the current
+git HEAD commit, so any uncommitted edits will be lost.
+ $ buildlib/cbuild pkg fc25
+In this case only the final package results are copied outside the container
+(to ..) and everything else is discarded.
+In all cases the containers that are spun up are deleted after they are
+finished, only the base container created during 'build-images' is kept. The
+'--run-shell' option can be used to setup the container to the point of
+running the build command and instead run an interactive bash shell. This is
+useful for debugging certain kinds of build problems."""
+import argparse
+import collections
+import grp
+import imp
+import inspect
+import json
+import multiprocessing
+import os
+import pipes
+import pwd
+import re
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import yaml
+from contextlib import contextmanager;
+project = "rdma-core";
+def get_version():
+    """Return the version string for the project, this gets automatically written
+    into the packaging files."""
+    with open("CMakeLists.txt","r") as F:
+        for ln in F:
+            g = re.match(r'^set\(PACKAGE_VERSION "(.+)"\)',ln)
+            if g is None:
+                continue;
+            return g.group(1);
+    raise RuntimeError("Could not find version");
+class DockerFile(object):
+    def __init__(self,src):
+        self.lines = ["FROM %s"%(src)];
+class Environment(object):
+    aliases = set();
+    use_make = False;
+    proxy = True;
+    def image_name(self):
+        return "build-%s/%s"%(project,self.name);
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class YumEnvironment(Environment):
+    is_rpm = True;
+    def get_docker_file(self):
+        res = DockerFile(self.docker_parent);
+        res.lines.append("RUN yum install -y %s && yum clean all"%(
+            " ".join(sorted(self.pkgs))));
+        return res;
+class centos6(YumEnvironment):
+    docker_parent = "centos:6";
+    pkgs = {
+        'cmake',
+        'gcc',
+        'libnl3-devel',
+        'libudev-devel',
+        'make',
+        'pkgconfig',
+        'python',
+        'rpm-build',
+        'valgrind-devel',
+    };
+    name = "centos6";
+    use_make = True;
+class centos7(YumEnvironment):
+    docker_parent = "centos:7";
+    pkgs = centos6.pkgs;
+    name = "centos7";
+    use_make = True;
+    specfile = "redhat/rdma-core.spec";
+class centos7_epel(centos7):
+    pkgs = (centos7.pkgs - {"cmake","make"}) | {"ninja-build","cmake3"};
+    name = "centos7_epel";
+    use_make = False;
+    ninja_cmd = "ninja-build";
+    # Our spec file does not know how to cope with cmake3
+    is_rpm = False;
+    def get_docker_file(self):
+        res = YumEnvironment.get_docker_file(self);
+        res.lines.insert(1,"RUN yum install -y epel-release");
+        res.lines.append("RUN ln -s /usr/bin/cmake3 /usr/local/bin/cmake");
+        return res;
+class fc25(Environment):
+    docker_parent = "fedora:25";
+    pkgs = (centos7.pkgs - {"make"}) | {"ninja-build"};
+    name = "fc25";
+    specfile = "redhat/rdma-core.spec";
+    ninja_cmd = "ninja-build";
+    is_rpm = True;
+    def get_docker_file(self):
+        res = DockerFile(self.docker_parent);
+        res.lines.append("RUN dnf install -y %s && dnf clean all"%(
+            " ".join(sorted(self.pkgs))));
+        return res;
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class APTEnvironment(Environment):
+    is_deb = True;
+    def get_docker_file(self):
+        res = DockerFile(self.docker_parent);
+        res.lines.append("RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends %s && apt-get clean"%(
+            " ".join(sorted(self.pkgs))));
+        return res;
+class trusty(APTEnvironment):
+    docker_parent = "ubuntu:14.04";
+    pkgs = {
+        'build-essential',
+        'cmake',
+        'debhelper',
+        'dh-systemd',
+        'gcc',
+        'libnl-3-dev',
+        'libnl-route-3-dev',
+        'libudev-dev',
+        'make',
+        'ninja-build',
+        'pkg-config',
+        'python',
+        'valgrind',
+        };
+    name = "ubuntu-14.04";
+    aliases = {"trusty"};
+class xenial(APTEnvironment):
+    docker_parent = "ubuntu:16.04"
+    pkgs = trusty.pkgs;
+    name = "ubuntu-16.04";
+    aliases = {"xenial"};
+class jessie(APTEnvironment):
+    docker_parent = "debian:8"
+    pkgs = trusty.pkgs;
+    name = "debian-8";
+    aliases = {"jessie"};
+class travis(APTEnvironment):
+    """This parses the .travis.yml "apt" add on and converts it to a dockerfile,
+    basically creating a container that is similar to what travis would
+    use. Note this does not use the base travis image, nor does it install the
+    typical travis packages."""
+    docker_parent = "ubuntu:14.04";
+    name = "travis";
+    is_deb = True;
+    _yaml = None;
+    def get_yaml(self):
+        if self._yaml:
+            return self._yaml;
+        # Load the commands from the travis file
+        with open(".travis.yml") as F:
+            self._yaml = yaml.load(F);
+        return self._yaml;
+    yaml = property(get_yaml);
+    def get_repos(self):
+        """Return a list of things to add with apt-add-repository"""
+        Source = collections.namedtuple("Source",["sourceline","key_url"]);
+        # See https://github.com/travis-ci/apt-source-whitelist/blob/master/ubuntu.json
+        pre_defined = {
+            "ubuntu-toolchain-r-test": Source("ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test",None),
+        };
+        # Unique the sources
+        res = set();
+        for src in self.yaml["addons"]["apt"]["sources"]:
+            if isinstance(src,dict):
+                res.add(Source(sourceline=src["sourceline"],
+                               key_url=src["key_url"]));
+            else:
+                res.add(pre_defined[src]);
+        # Add the sources
+        scmds = [];
+        scmds.extend("apt-key add /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/%s"%(os.path.basename(I.key_url))
+                    for I in res if I.key_url is not None);
+        scmds.extend("http_proxy= apt-add-repository -y %s"%(pipes.quote(I.sourceline))
+                    for I in res);
+        # Download the keys
+        cmds = ["ADD %s /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/"%(I.key_url)
+                for I in res if I.key_url is not None];
+        cmds.append("RUN " + " && ".join(scmds));
+        return cmds;
+    def get_docker_file(self):
+        # First this to get apt-add-repository
+        self.pkgs = {"software-properties-common"}
+        res = APTEnvironment.get_docker_file(self);
+        # Sources list from the travis.yml
+        res.lines.extend(self.get_repos());
+        # Package list from the travis.yml
+        res.lines.append("RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends %s"%(
+            " ".join(sorted(self.yaml["addons"]["apt"]["packages"]))));
+        return res;
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class ZypperEnvironment(Environment):
+    is_rpm = True;
+    def get_docker_file(self):
+        res = DockerFile(self.docker_parent);
+        res.lines.append("RUN zypper --non-interactive refresh");
+        res.lines.append("RUN zypper --non-interactive dist-upgrade");
+        res.lines.append("RUN zypper --non-interactive install %s"%(
+            " ".join(sorted(self.pkgs))));
+        return res;
+class harlequin(ZypperEnvironment):
+    proxy = False;
+    docker_parent = "opensuse:13.2";
+    pkgs = {
+        'cmake',
+        'gcc',
+        'libnl3-devel',
+        'libudev-devel',
+        'make',
+        'ninja',
+        'pkg-config',
+        'python',
+        'rpm-build',
+        'valgrind-devel',
+    };
+    name = "opensuse-13.2";
+    aliases = {"harelequin"};
+class malachite(ZypperEnvironment):
+    docker_parent = "opensuse:42.1";
+    pkgs = harlequin.pkgs;
+    name = "opensuse-42.1";
+    aliases = {"malachite"};
+class tumbleweed(ZypperEnvironment):
+    docker_parent = "opensuse:tumbleweed";
+    pkgs = harlequin.pkgs;
+    name = "tumbleweed";
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+environments = [centos6(),
+                centos7(),
+                centos7_epel(),
+                travis(),
+                trusty(),
+                xenial(),
+                jessie(),
+                fc25(),
+                harlequin(),
+                malachite(),
+                tumbleweed(),
+class ToEnvAction(argparse.Action):
+    """argparse helper to parse environment lists into environment classes"""
+    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+        if not isinstance(values,list):
+            values = [values];
+        res = set();
+        for I in values:
+            if I == "all":
+                res.update(environments);
+            else:
+                for env in environments:
+                    if env.name == I or I in env.aliases:
+                        res.add(env);
+        setattr(namespace, self.dest, sorted(res,key=lambda x:x.name))
+def env_choices():
+    """All the names that can be used with ToEnvAction"""
+    envs = set(("all",));
+    for I in environments:
+        envs.add(I.name);
+        envs.update(I.aliases);
+    return envs;
+def docker_cmd(env,*cmd):
+    """Invoke docker"""
+    cmd = list(cmd);
+    if env.sudo:
+        return subprocess.check_call(["sudo","docker"] + cmd);
+    return subprocess.check_call(["docker"] + cmd);
+def docker_cmd_str(env,*cmd):
+    """Invoke docker"""
+    cmd = list(cmd);
+    if env.sudo:
+        return subprocess.check_output(["sudo","docker"] + cmd);
+    return subprocess.check_output(["docker"] + cmd);
+def private_tmp(args):
+    """Simple version of Python 3's tempfile.TemporaryDirectory"""
+    dfn = tempfile.mkdtemp();
+    try:
+        yield dfn;
+    finally:
+        try:
+            shutil.rmtree(dfn);
+        except:
+            # The debian builds result in root owned files because we don't use fakeroot
+            subprocess.check_call(['sudo','rm','-rf',dfn]);
+def inDirectory(dir):
+    cdir = os.getcwd();
+    try:
+        os.chdir(dir);
+        yield True;
+    finally:
+        os.chdir(cdir);
+def get_image_id(args,image_name):
+    img = json.loads(docker_cmd_str(args,"inspect",image_name));
+    image_id = img[0]["Id"];
+    # Newer dockers put a prefix
+    if ":" in image_id:
+        image_id = image_id.partition(':')[2];
+    return image_id;
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def run_rpm_build(args,spec_file,env):
+    version = get_version();
+    with open(spec_file,"r") as F:
+        for ln in F:
+            if ln.startswith("Version:"):
+                ver = ln.strip().partition(' ')[2];
+                assert(ver == get_version());
+            if ln.startswith("Source:"):
+                tarfn = ln.strip().partition(' ')[2];
+    tarfn = tarfn.replace("%{version}",version);
+    image_id = get_image_id(args,env.image_name());
+    with private_tmp(args) as tmpdir:
+        os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmpdir,"SOURCES"));
+        os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmpdir,"tmp"));
+        subprocess.check_call(["git","archive",
+                               "--prefix","%s/"%(os.path.splitext(tarfn)[0]),
+                               "--output",os.path.join(tmpdir,"SOURCES",tarfn),
+                               "HEAD"]);
+        with open(spec_file,"r") as inF:
+            spec = list(inF);
+        tspec_file = os.path.basename(spec_file);
+        with open(os.path.join(tmpdir,tspec_file),"w") as outF:
+            outF.write("".join(spec));
+        home = os.path.join(os.path.sep,"home",os.getenv("LOGNAME"));
+        vdir = os.path.join(home,"rpmbuild");
+        opts = [
+            "run",
+            "--rm=true",
+            "-v","%s:%s"%(tmpdir,vdir),
+            "-w",vdir,
+            "-h","builder-%s"%(image_id[:12]),
+            "-e","HOME=%s"%(home),
+            "-e","TMPDIR=%s"%(os.path.join(vdir,"tmp")),
+        ];
+        # rpmbuild complains if we do not have an entry in passwd and group
+        # for the user we are going to use to do the build.
+        with open(os.path.join(tmpdir,"go.py"),"w") as F:
+            print >> F,"""
+import os;
+with open("/etc/passwd","a") as F:
+   print >> F, {passwd!r};
+with open("/etc/group","a") as F:
+   print >> F, {group!r};
+""".format(passwd=":".join(str(I) for I in pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())),
+           group=":".join(str(I) for I in grp.getgrgid(os.getgid())),
+           uid=os.getuid(),
+           gid=os.getgid());
+            bopts = ["-bb",tspec_file];
+            print >> F,'os.execlp("rpmbuild","rpmbuild",%s)'%(
+                ",".join(repr(I) for I in bopts));
+        if args.run_shell:
+            opts.append("-ti");
+        opts.append(env.image_name());
+        if args.run_shell:
+            opts.append("/bin/bash");
+        else:
+            opts.extend(["python","go.py"]);
+        docker_cmd(args,*opts)
+        print
+        for path,jnk,files in os.walk(os.path.join(tmpdir,"RPMS")):
+            for I in files:
+                print "Final RPM: ",os.path.join("..",I);
+                shutil.move(os.path.join(path,I),
+                            os.path.join("..",I));
+def run_deb_build(args,env):
+    image_id = get_image_id(args,env.image_name());
+    with private_tmp(args) as tmpdir:
+        os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmpdir,"src"));
+        os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmpdir,"tmp"));
+        opwd = os.getcwd();
+        with inDirectory(os.path.join(tmpdir,"src")):
+            subprocess.check_call(["git",
+                                   "--git-dir",os.path.join(opwd,".git"),
+                                   "reset","--hard","HEAD"]);
+        home = os.path.join(os.path.sep,"home",os.getenv("LOGNAME"));
+        opts = [
+            "run",
+            "--read-only",
+            "--rm=true",
+            "-v","%s:%s"%(tmpdir,home),
+            "-w",os.path.join(home,"src"),
+            "-h","builder-%s"%(image_id[:12]),
+            "-e","HOME=%s"%(home),
+            "-e","TMPDIR=%s"%(os.path.join(home,"tmp")),
+            "-e","DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=%u"%(multiprocessing.cpu_count()),
+        ];
+        # Create a go.py that will let us run the compilation as the user and
+        # then switch to root only for the packaging step.
+        with open(os.path.join(tmpdir,"go.py"),"w") as F:
+            print >> F,"""
+import subprocess,os;
+def to_user():
+   os.setgid({gid:d});
+   os.setuid({uid:d});
+            preexec_fn=to_user);
+           gid=os.getgid());
+        if args.run_shell:
+            opts.append("-ti");
+        opts.append(env.image_name());
+        if args.run_shell:
+            opts.append("/bin/bash");
+        else:
+            opts.extend(["python",os.path.join(home,"go.py")]);
+        docker_cmd(args,*opts);
+        print
+        for I in os.listdir(tmpdir):
+            if I.endswith(".deb"):
+                print "Final DEB: ",os.path.join("..",I);
+                shutil.move(os.path.join(tmpdir,I),
+                            os.path.join("..",I));
+def run_travis_build(args,env):
+    with private_tmp(args) as tmpdir:
+        os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmpdir,"src"));
+        os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmpdir,"tmp"));
+        opwd = os.getcwd();
+        with inDirectory(os.path.join(tmpdir,"src")):
+            subprocess.check_call(["git",
+                                   "--git-dir",os.path.join(opwd,".git"),
+                                   "reset","--hard","HEAD"]);
+        home = os.path.join(os.path.sep,"home",os.getenv("LOGNAME"));
+        opts = [
+            "run",
+            "--read-only",
+            "--rm=true",
+            "-v","%s:%s"%(tmpdir,home),
+            "-w",os.path.join(home,"src"),
+            "-u",str(os.getuid()),
+            "-e","HOME=%s"%(home),
+            "-e","TMPDIR=%s"%(os.path.join(home,"tmp")),
+        ];
+        # Load the commands from the travis file
+        with open(os.path.join(opwd,".travis.yml")) as F:
+            cmds = yaml.load(F)["script"];
+        with open(os.path.join(tmpdir,"go.sh"),"w") as F:
+            print >> F,"#!/bin/bash";
+            print >> F,"set -e";
+            for I in cmds:
+                print >> F,I;
+        if args.run_shell:
+            opts.append("-ti");
+        opts.append(env.image_name());
+        if args.run_shell:
+            opts.append("/bin/bash");
+        else:
+            opts.extend(["/bin/bash",os.path.join(home,"go.sh")]);
+        docker_cmd(args,*opts);
+def args_pkg(parser):
+    parser.add_argument("ENV",action=ToEnvAction,choices=env_choices());
+    parser.add_argument("--run-shell",default=False,action="store_true",
+                        help="Instead of running the build, enter a shell");
+def cmd_pkg(args):
+    """Build a package in the given environment."""
+    for env in args.ENV:
+        if env.name == "travis":
+            run_travis_build(args,env);
+        elif getattr(env,"is_deb",False):
+            run_deb_build(args,env);
+        elif getattr(env,"is_rpm",False):
+            run_rpm_build(args,
+                          getattr(env,"specfile","%s.spec"%(project)),
+                          env);
+        else:
+            print "%s does not support packaging"%(env.name);
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def args_make(parser):
+    parser.add_argument("--run-shell",default=False,action="store_true",
+                        help="Instead of running the build, enter a shell");
+    parser.add_argument("ENV",action=ToEnvAction,choices=env_choices());
+    parser.add_argument('ARGS', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER);
+def cmd_make(args):
+    """Run cmake and ninja within a docker container. If cmake has not yet been
+    run then this runs it with the given environment variables, then invokes ninja.
+    Otherwise ninja is invoked without calling cmake."""
+    SRC = os.getcwd();
+    for env in args.ENV:
+        BUILD = "build-%s"%(env.name)
+        if not os.path.exists(BUILD):
+            os.mkdir(BUILD);
+        home = os.path.join(os.path.sep,"home",os.getenv("LOGNAME"));
+        dirs = [os.getcwd(),"/tmp"];
+        # Import the symlink target too if BUILD is a symlink
+        BUILD_r = os.path.realpath(BUILD);
+        if not BUILD_r.startswith(os.path.realpath(SRC)):
+            dirs.append(BUILD_r);
+        cmake_args = []
+        cmake_envs = []
+        ninja_args = []
+        for I in args.ARGS:
+            if I.startswith("-D"):
+                cmake_args.append(I);
+            elif I.find('=') != -1:
+                cmake_envs.append(I);
+            else:
+                ninja_args.append(I);
+        if env.use_make:
+            need_cmake = not os.path.exists(os.path.join(BUILD_r,"Makefile"));
+        else:
+            need_cmake = not os.path.exists(os.path.join(BUILD_r,"build.ninja"));
+        opts = ["run",
+                "--read-only",
+                "--rm=true",
+                "-ti",
+                "-u",str(os.getuid()),
+                "-e","HOME=%s"%(home),
+                "-w",BUILD_r,
+        ];
+        for I in dirs:
+            opts.append("-v");
+            opts.append("%s:%s"%(I,I));
+        for I in cmake_envs:
+            opts.append("-e");
+            opts.append(I);
+        if args.run_shell:
+            opts.append("-ti");
+        opts.append(env.image_name());
+        if args.run_shell:
+            os.execlp("sudo","sudo","docker",*(opts + ["/bin/bash"]));
+        if need_cmake:
+            if env.use_make:
+                prog_args = ["cmake",SRC] + cmake_args;
+            else:
+                prog_args = ["cmake","-GNinja",SRC] + cmake_args;
+            docker_cmd(args,*(opts + prog_args));
+        if env.use_make:
+            prog_args = ["make","-C",BUILD_r] + ninja_args;
+        else:
+            prog_args = [getattr(env,"ninja_cmd","ninja"),
+                         "-C",BUILD_r] + ninja_args;
+        if len(args.ENV) <= 1:
+            os.execlp("sudo","sudo","docker",*(opts + prog_args));
+        else:
+            docker_cmd(args,*(opts + prog_args));
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def get_build_args(args,env):
+    """Return extra docker arguments for building. This is the system APT proxy."""
+    res = [];
+    if args.pull:
+        res.append("--pull");
+    if env.proxy and os.path.exists("/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy"):
+        # The line in this file must be 'Acquire::http { Proxy "http://xxxx:3142";; };'
+        with open("/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy") as F:
+            proxy = F.read().strip().split('"')[1];
+            res.append("--build-arg");
+            res.append('http_proxy=%s'%(proxy));
+    return res;
+def args_build_images(parser):
+    parser.add_argument("ENV",nargs="+",action=ToEnvAction,choices=env_choices());
+    parser.add_argument("--no-pull",default=True,action="store_false",
+                        dest="pull",
+                        help="Instead of running the build, enter a shell");
+def cmd_build_images(args):
+    """Run from the top level source directory to make the docker images that are
+    needed for building. This only needs to be run once."""
+    for env in args.ENV:
+        df = env.get_docker_file();
+        with private_tmp(args) as tmpdir:
+            fn = os.path.join(tmpdir,"Dockerfile");
+            with open(fn,"wt") as F:
+                for ln in df.lines:
+                    print >> F,ln;
+            opts = (["build"] +
+                    get_build_args(args,env) +
+                    ["-f",fn,
+                     "-t",env.image_name(),
+                     tmpdir]);
+            docker_cmd(args,*opts);
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def args_docker_gc(parser):
+    pass;
+def cmd_docker_gc(args):
+    """Run garbage collection on docker images and containers."""
+    containers = set(docker_cmd_str(args,"ps","-a","-q","--filter","status=exited").split());
+    images = set(docker_cmd_str(args,"images","-q","--filter","dangling=true").split());
+    if containers:
+        docker_cmd(args,"rm",*sorted(containers));
+    if images:
+        docker_cmd(args,"rmi",*sorted(images));
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Operate docker for building this package')
+    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="Sub Commands");
+    funcs = globals();
+    for k,v in funcs.items():
+        if k.startswith("cmd_") and inspect.isfunction(v):
+            sparser = subparsers.add_parser(k[4:].replace('_','-'),
+                                            help=v.__doc__);
+            funcs["args_" + k[4:]](sparser);
+            sparser.set_defaults(func=v);
+    try:
+        import argcomplete;
+        argcomplete.autocomplete(parser);
+    except ImportError:
+        pass;
+    args = parser.parse_args();
+    args.sudo = True;
+    # This script must always run from the top of the git tree, and a git
+    # checkout is mandatory.
+    git_top = subprocess.check_output(["git","rev-parse","--git-dir"]).strip();
+    if git_top != ".git":
+        os.chdir(os.path.dirname(git_top));
+    if not args.func(args):
+        sys.exit(100);
+    sys.exit(0);

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