Re: [PATCH v5 0/8] Introduce fwctl subystem

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On 3/12/25 11:34 AM, Stanislav Fomichev wrote:
>> More specifically, I do not see netdev APIs ever recognizing RDMA
>> concepts like domains and memory regions. For us, everything is relative
>> to a domain and a region - e.g., whether a queue is created for a netdev
>> device or an IB QP both use the same common internal APIs.  I would
>> prefer not to use fwctl for something so basic.
> What specifically do you mean here by 'memory regions'? Ne

netdev queues and flows are a subset of RDMA operations, so I mean MRs
as in:

IBV_REG_MR(3)  Libibverbs Programmer's Manual

       ibv_reg_mr, ibv_reg_mr_iova, ibv_reg_dmabuf_mr, ibv_dereg_mr -
register or deregister a memory region (MR)

       #include <infiniband/verbs.h>

       struct ibv_mr *ibv_reg_mr(struct ibv_pd *pd, void *addr,
                                 size_t length, int access);

       struct ibv_mr *ibv_reg_mr_iova(struct ibv_pd *pd, void *addr,
                                      size_t length, uint64_t hca_va,
                                      int access);

       struct ibv_mr *ibv_reg_dmabuf_mr(struct ibv_pd *pd, uint64_t offset,
                                        size_t length, uint64_t iova,
                                        int fd, int access);

       int ibv_dereg_mr(struct ibv_mr *mr);

       ibv_reg_mr() registers a memory region (MR) associated with the
protection domain pd.  The MR's starting address is addr and its size is
length.  The argument access describes the desired mem‐
       ory protection attributes; it is either 0 or the bitwise OR of
one or more of the following flags:


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