Re: [PATCH net] net/smc: use the correct ndev to find pnetid by pnetid table

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On Tue, 11 Feb 2025 11:44:32 +0800
Guangguan Wang <> wrote:

> > Can you please help me reason about this? I'm unfortunately lacking
> > Kubernetes skills here, and it is difficult for me to think along.  
> Yes, it is also a problem that not being able to set eth0 (veth/POD)'s PNEDID from the host.
> Even if the eth1(host) have hardware PNETID, the eth0 (veth/POD) can not search the hardware
> PNETID. Because the eth0 (veth/POD) and eth1(host) are not in one netdev hierarchy.
> But the two netdev hierarchies have relationship. Maybe search PNETID in all related netdev
> hierarchies can help resolve this. For example when finding the base_ndev, if the base_ndev
> is a netdev has relationship with other netdev(veth .etc) then jump to the related netdev
> hierarchy through the relationship to iteratively find the base_ndev.
> It is an idea now. I have not do any research about it yet and I am not sure if it is feasible.

I did a fair amount of thinking and I've talked to Wenjia and Sandy as
well, and now I'm fine with moving forward with a variant that
prioritizes compatibility but makes the scenarios you have pointed out
work by enabling taking the SW PNETID of the non-leaf netdev(s) if the
base_dev has no PNETID (neither hw nor sw).


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