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Yes from a maths perspective coefficients are reversed and whatever,
but that doesn't matter to someone reading the code. Clearly state
how to calculate the u32 "ICRC Field" as called out in the spec using
Linux. That is swab32(~crc32_le(..)) - that detail clarifies everything.

> It sounds like you want to add two unnecessary byteswaps to match
> the example in Table 25, which misleadingly shows a byte-swapped
> ICRC value as a u32 without mentioning it is byte-swapped.

There are an obnoxious number of ways to make, label and describe
these LFSRs. IBTA choose their representation, Linux choose a
different one.

It isn't misleadingly byte-swapped, it is self consistent with the
rest of the spec, and different from Linux.

> I don't agree that would be clearer, but we can do it if you prefer.

If you want to keep the le32 optimization, then keep it, but have a
comment to explain that it is an optimization based on the logical
be32 double swap that matches the plain text of the spec.

I gave an example comment above.


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