Hi Bob, I have a query. After the following patch, https://marc.info/?l=linux-rdma&m=163163776430842&w=2 If I send a IB_WR_REG_MR wr with flag set to IB_ACCESS_LOCAL_WRITE, rxe will set the mr->rkey to 0 (mr->lkey will be set to the key I send in wr). Afterwards, If I have to invalidate that mr with IB_WR_LOCAL_INV, setting the .ex.invalidate_rkey to the key I sent previously in the IB_WR_REG_MR wr, the invalidate would fail with the following error. rkey (%#x) doesn't match mr->rkey (function rxe_invalidate_mr) Is this desired behaviour? If so, how would I go about invalidating the above MR? Regards -Haris