I was surprised to find that RHEL 9 removes ROCE support after it was a "tech preview" in Redhat 8. Its a good feature with many use cases here and there for development, testing and production issues. Any idea why Redhat would not support RXE? Could we get a campaign going to convince Redhat to include RXE? From: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/9-beta/pdf/considerations_in_adopting_rhel_9/red_hat_enterprise_linux-9-beta-considerations_in_adopting_rhel_9-en-us.pdf 11.2. REMOVED HARDWARE SUPPORT This section lists devices (drivers, adapters) that have been removed from RHEL 9. PCI device IDs are in the format of vendor:device:subvendor:subdevice. If no device ID is listed, all devices associated with the corresponding driver are unmaintained. To check the PCI IDs of the hardware on your system, run the lspci -nn command. Device ID Driver Device name Soft-RoCE (rdma_rxe) HNS-RoCE HNS GE/10GE/25GE/50GE/100GE RDMA Network Contro