sorry/this time without the HTML.
ERROR: test_qp_ex_rc_bind_mw (tests.test_qpex.QpExTestCase)
Verify bind memory window operation using the new post_send API.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/rpearson/src/rdma-core/tests/", line 292, in
File "/home/rpearson/src/rdma-core/tests/", line 538, in poll_cq
raise PyverbsRDMAError('Completion status is {s}'.
pyverbs.pyverbs_error.PyverbsRDMAError: Completion status is Memory
window bind error. Errno: 6, No such device or address
This test attempts to bind a type 2 MW to an MR that does not have bind
mw access set and expects the test to succeed.
Bob Pearson