Hi everyone, I have arranged a conference room at the Westin (attached to the Congress Centre) on Tuesday, 18 July 2006, under the auspices of Power Management. The room is the Les Saisons room, which will hold 30-50 people (so spread the word), and we will have it from 1-6pm. People are welcome to come for all or any part of it. We will have soft drinks and snacks at 3, to keep everyone awake. The format will be completely informal. There will be no presentations, and no planned general discussions. If there are prescient issues that people would like to discuss, please bring them, and we can break into groups to talk about them, or hack on them. I will be bringing at least 1 AC power meter, and hopefully at least one test machine. If you a power meter or a test laptop, please feel free to bring it. I expect the room to be large enough to support several small groups, so if there is a topic or problem that people would like to get some work done on, it should be conducive to that. Feel free to prime the discussion here, or simply bring the topics along. [ This is coming at short notice, but little more should be needed, as travel plans for Ottawa have been set for some time, and this isn't enough to bring someone here on it's own. :-) ] Thanks, and I hope to see you all on Tuesday. Patrick