There should be something such which would cause (after user specified timeout, e.g. a hour) automatically switch the system from standby to suspend to disk (or suspend to mem). Probably to make this transition possible without turning HDD on, there should be a hibrid of standby and suspend to disk: do suspend to disk but then enter standby instead of shutting down. This state should be (dependently on whether there was user input during the timeout) like standby in quick exit from it and be like suspend to disk in regard that then computer could be turned off (manually by power button or by timeout). Do you understand the idea? For me curently standby is useless as it even does not turn off the fans and computer continues to produce noise when in standby. Suspend to disk is also not quite good for me because it takes 40 sec to take it out. I want the state when computer enters standby automatically saving state to disk before standby and then if no user input by timeout either enters real suspend to disk, or if I wake it exits from this state quickly. Or as a possible alternative, we could suspend SIMULTANEOUSLY to disk and to mem (with switching into suspend-to-disk by timeout), to have both quick restoration and automatically fully turning it off. I realize that it may be hard to design and implement, but my idea is very nice and convenient for users. So it would be great if you will do it to Linux 2.8... (To implement switching from standby to an other mode, we probably can use BIOS wake timer feature. Or for me it would be currently acceptable if standby would turn off only HDD instead of real standby so that during standby processor timer could continue to function.)