Joost Witteveen wrote: > The Oops below happend while swsuspending my Sempron laptop. The > system freezes afterwards. OK, replying to my own email as I haven't had any reply yet (I'm not subscribed to the list). Since I sent the email, I've had two more oopses (they don't happen as often as before), which I've added to: I haven't transcribed them, as I haven't had a responce to my first email -- if I could help transcribing the other oopses, please ask! Also, if I can help any other way, I'd be hapy to try whatever you suggest doing. -- Groetjes joostje 47d3fcfe28f2a83497e79d9bc7d5087c-4a1ee1fddab4648175518cb4c1c9edb3ed0e89f0