On Wednesday 23 March 2005 9:14 pm, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote: > > However, I'm wondering what will be the stack usage of such a model on > deep bus layouts... I've previously sketched algorithms that will linearize things. It's what I referred to when I talked about dynamically building the lists of devices to suspend or resume. > > > The bridge driver largely don't exist (except for USB hubs), the > > > requirements aren't very tough, and it would localize the semantics where > > > they need to be - in the bus subsystems. > > > > Yes to localizing semantics!! Though as for requirements, that's > > not always true. > > I don't agree with the bus subsystem beeing a good place here. I don't > like it for lots of reasons and never liked it, because it totally lacks > the notion of a bus "instance" among others... It's de-facto a device > "bus type", so it's a "bus type" subsystem more than a "bus subsystem" > imho. But careful explanation might still change my mind here. Yes, there's bad terminology lurking. When I talk about a bus, I'm rarely talkig about a "bus type" like PCI or USB ... I'm talking about a specific instance. Strongly agreed that the relevant scope is an instance ("just another device, with children") not a type/class. - Dave