That's a good idea. Bernard being the wiz that he is, I'm sure he could set us up one on Shall I ask? Regards, Nigel On Sat, 2005-03-12 at 08:53, Jordan Crouse wrote: > On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 13:41:43 -0800 (PST) > "Patrick Mochel" <mochel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > > Heh, I've been thinking about the same for months actually. :) We > > should have some sort of working document about what's going on. It > > could serve two purposes: to document existing practices and to > > document future plans. Please feel free to post something in some > > format.. > > A wiki would be best, I think for a living document. > > Jordan -- Nigel Cunningham Software Engineer, Canberra, Australia Bus: +61 (2) 6291 9554; Hme: +61 (2) 6292 8028; Mob: +61 (417) 100 574 Maintainer of Suspend2 Kernel Patches