Re: [PATCH V4 27/28] PCI: tegra: Add support for GPIO based PERST#

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On 14-Jun-19 8:02 PM, Lorenzo Pieralisi wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 04:07:35PM +0530, Manikanta Maddireddy wrote:
>> On 13-Jun-19 8:54 PM, Lorenzo Pieralisi wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jun 04, 2019 at 03:22:33PM +0200, Thierry Reding wrote:
>>> [...]
>>>>> +	} else {
>>>>> +		value = afi_readl(port->pcie, ctrl);
>>>>> +		value &= ~AFI_PEX_CTRL_RST;
>>>>> +		afi_writel(port->pcie, value, ctrl);
>>>>> +	}
>>>>>  	usleep_range(1000, 2000);
>>>>> -	value = afi_readl(port->pcie, ctrl);
>>>>> -	value |= AFI_PEX_CTRL_RST;
>>>>> -	afi_writel(port->pcie, value, ctrl);
>>>>> +	if (port->reset_gpiod) {
>>>>> +		gpiod_set_value(port->reset_gpiod, 1);
>>>> After this the port should be functional, right? I think it'd be better
>>>> to reverse the logic here and move the polarity of the GPIO into device
>>>> tree. gpiod_set_value() takes care of inverting the level internally if
>>>> the GPIO is marked as low-active in DT.
>>>> The end result is obviously the same, but it makes the usage much
>>>> clearer. If somebody want to write a DT for their board, they will look
>>>> at the schematics and see a low-active reset line and may be tempted to
>>>> describe it as such in DT, but with your current code that would be
>>>> exactly the wrong way around.
>>> I agree with Thierry here, you should change the logic.
>>> Question: what's the advantage of adding GPIO reset support if that's
>>> architected already in port registers ? I am pretty sure there is a
>>> reason behind it (and forgive me the dumb question) and I would like to
>>> have it written in the commit log.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Lorenzo
>> Each PCIe controller has a dedicated SFIO pin to support PERST#
>> signal. Port register can control only this particular SFIO pin.
>> However, in one of the Nvidia platform, instead of using PCIe SFIO
>> pin, different gpio is routed PCIe slot. This happened because of a
>> confusion in IO ball naming convention. To support this particular
>> platform, driver has provide gpio support. I will update the commit
>> log in V5.
> What happens on that platform where you trigger reset through a port
> register with :
> value = afi_readl(port->pcie, ctrl);
> value |= AFI_PEX_CTRL_RST;
> afi_writel(port->pcie, value, ctrl);
> (imagine the DT is not updated for instance or on current
> mainline) ?
> Lorenzo

Lets take an example of PCIe controller-0, SFIO ball name which is controlled
by the port-0 register is PEX_L0_RST. It will deassert PEX_L0_RST SFIO line
but it doesn't go to PCIe slot, so fundamental reset(PERST# deassert) is not
applied to the endpoint connected to that slot.


>> Manikanta
>>>>> +	} else {
>>>>> +		value = afi_readl(port->pcie, ctrl);
>>>>> +		value |= AFI_PEX_CTRL_RST;
>>>>> +		afi_writel(port->pcie, value, ctrl);
>>>>> +	}
>>>>>  }
>>>>>  static void tegra_pcie_enable_rp_features(struct tegra_pcie_port *port)
>>>>> @@ -2238,6 +2249,7 @@ static int tegra_pcie_parse_dt(struct tegra_pcie *pcie)
>>>>>  		struct tegra_pcie_port *rp;
>>>>>  		unsigned int index;
>>>>>  		u32 value;
>>>>> +		char *label;
>>>>>  		err = of_pci_get_devfn(port);
>>>>>  		if (err < 0) {
>>>>> @@ -2296,6 +2308,23 @@ static int tegra_pcie_parse_dt(struct tegra_pcie *pcie)
>>>>>  		if (IS_ERR(rp->base))
>>>>>  			return PTR_ERR(rp->base);
>>>>> +		label = kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, "pex-reset-%u", index);
>>>> devm_kasprintf()?
>>>> Thierry
>>>>> +		if (!label) {
>>>>> +			dev_err(dev, "failed to create reset GPIO label\n");
>>>>> +			return -ENOMEM;
>>>>> +		}
>>>>> +
>>>>> +		rp->reset_gpiod = devm_gpiod_get_from_of_node(dev, port,
>>>>> +							      "reset-gpios", 0,
>>>>> +							      GPIOD_OUT_LOW,
>>>>> +							      label);
>>>>> +		kfree(label);
>>>>> +		if (IS_ERR(rp->reset_gpiod)) {
>>>>> +			err = PTR_ERR(rp->reset_gpiod);
>>>>> +			dev_err(dev, "failed to get reset GPIO: %d\n", err);
>>>>> +			return err;
>>>>> +		}
>>>>> +
>>>>>  		list_add_tail(&rp->list, &pcie->ports);
>>>>>  	}
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> 2.17.1

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