Re: [PATCH V2 2/2] PCI/AER: Fix AER device configuration

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在 2017/12/14 0:55, Bjorn Helgaas 写道:
On Tue, Dec 05, 2017 at 05:50:38PM +0800, Dongdong Liu wrote:
AER driver only binds to root ports. It binds to one device and it also
configures other downstream devices.  That opens the door to concurrency
issues and makes it really hard to ensure that hotplug works correctly.
The aer_probe() path should only touch the device it is binding, it
should not use pci_walk_bus().  If we need to configure another device,
that should be done in the enumeration path for *that device*.
We can use  _HPX to set PCI_EXP_DEVCTL to enable error report and ensure
that hotplug works correctly.  For more_HPX details information,
we can see ACPI 6.1 section 6.2.9 _HPX (Hot Plug Parameter Extensions).
_HPX is for platform-dependent things.  If Linux has generic AER
support, i.e., if CONFIG_PCIEAER=y, we should not rely on _HPX to
enable AER for hot-added devices.

We need some mechanism in Linux for enabling AER on them.  I don't
*like* the pci_walk_bus(), but we might need it for now because we
have this ordering:

  1) Enumerate hierarchy, disabling AER on all devices.  Currently I
  think we only disable AER for Ports, but I propose doing it for all

  2) Install AER driver on Root Ports.  Enable AER on Root Port.  We
  also need to enable AER on the hierarchy below the Root Port, and
  pci_walk_bus() seems like the logical way to do it for now.

  3) Hot-add a device.  Currently I think AER will remain disabled on
  the new device *unless* _HPX enables it.  I think this is wrong --
Yes, if the EP device driver does not call pci_enable_pcie_error_reporting(),
AER will remain diables  *unless* _HPX enables it.

  Linux should not rely on the platform for this.  We could enable AER
  via a device-add notifier, but that seems overly complicated.

  I'd rather add a bit in pci_dev like "aer_hierarchy" that is set
  whenever we turn on AER for the device.  Then pci_aer_init() could
  enable AER if it is enabled in the upstream device.
It maybe just check the root port devices as AER driver binds to
Root Ports.
Since the AER driver is installed after the whole hierarchy is
enumerated, we can't use the "aer_hierarchy" bit (or whatever we call
it) to enable AER on the devices present at boot.

I would ultimately like to enable AER on the Root Ports in
pci_aer_init() during enumeration instead of installing it as a driver
after enumeration.  If we could ever do that, then the aer_hierarchy
bit would work the same way for boot-time and hot-added devices, and
we wouldn't need to do the pci_walk_bus() thing.
Please correct me if i am wrong.
For boot time. Disable AER in pci_aer_init().
Enable AER for all devices in aer_enable_rootport(), and set "aer_hierarchy"
bit just for Root Ports. It seems we have to use pci_walk_bus() to
enable all devices AER.
For Hot-add a device. Check it's root port "aer_hierarchy" bit in
pci_aer_init(). if the bit is set, enable the device AER in pci_aer_init().

Or as you said above. Enable AER on the Root Ports in pci_aer_init()
during enumeration and set the Root Ports "aer_hierarchy".
Then enable other deivces AER in pci_aer_init() if it's root port
"aer_hierarchy" bit has been set. This seems that we would not
use pci_walk_bus() and disble/enable AER during enumeration,
the AER driver and EP deivces driver do not need to call


Signed-off-by: Dongdong Liu <liudongdong3@xxxxxxxxxx>
 drivers/pci/pcie/aer/aerdrv.c | 49 ++++---------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/pci/pcie/aer/aerdrv.c b/drivers/pci/pcie/aer/aerdrv.c
index 6ff5f5b..cd63025 100644
--- a/drivers/pci/pcie/aer/aerdrv.c
+++ b/drivers/pci/pcie/aer/aerdrv.c
@@ -58,41 +58,6 @@ bool pci_aer_available(void)
 	return !pcie_aer_disable && pci_msi_enabled();

-static int set_device_error_reporting(struct pci_dev *dev, void *data)
-	bool enable = *((bool *)data);
-	int type = pci_pcie_type(dev);
-	if ((type == PCI_EXP_TYPE_ROOT_PORT) ||
-	    (type == PCI_EXP_TYPE_UPSTREAM) ||
-	    (type == PCI_EXP_TYPE_DOWNSTREAM)) {
-		if (enable)
-			pci_enable_pcie_error_reporting(dev);
-		else
-			pci_disable_pcie_error_reporting(dev);
-	}
-	if (enable)
-		pcie_set_ecrc_checking(dev);
-	return 0;
- * set_downstream_devices_error_reporting - enable/disable the error reporting  bits on the root port and its downstream ports.
- * @dev: pointer to root port's pci_dev data structure
- * @enable: true = enable error reporting, false = disable error reporting.
- */
-static void set_downstream_devices_error_reporting(struct pci_dev *dev,
-						   bool enable)
-	set_device_error_reporting(dev, &enable);
-	if (!dev->subordinate)
-		return;
-	pci_walk_bus(dev->subordinate, set_device_error_reporting, &enable);
  * aer_enable_rootport - enable Root Port's interrupts when receiving messages
  * @rpc: pointer to a Root Port data structure
@@ -123,11 +88,8 @@ static void aer_enable_rootport(struct aer_rpc *rpc)
 	pci_read_config_dword(pdev, aer_pos + PCI_ERR_UNCOR_STATUS, &reg32);
 	pci_write_config_dword(pdev, aer_pos + PCI_ERR_UNCOR_STATUS, reg32);

-	/*
-	 * Enable error reporting for the root port device and downstream port
-	 * devices.
-	 */
-	set_downstream_devices_error_reporting(pdev, true);
+	/* Enable error reporting for the root port device */
+	pci_enable_pcie_error_reporting(pdev);

 	/* Enable Root Port's interrupt in response to error messages */
 	pci_read_config_dword(pdev, aer_pos + PCI_ERR_ROOT_COMMAND, &reg32);
@@ -147,11 +109,8 @@ static void aer_disable_rootport(struct aer_rpc *rpc)
 	u32 reg32;
 	int pos;

-	/*
-	 * Disable error reporting for the root port device and downstream port
-	 * devices.
-	 */
-	set_downstream_devices_error_reporting(pdev, false);
+	/* Disable error reporting for the root port device */
+	pci_disable_pcie_error_reporting(pdev);

 	pos = pdev->aer_cap;
 	/* Disable Root's interrupt in response to error messages */


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