Re: [PATCH 05/11] PCI/TSM: Authenticate devices via platform TSM

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On 28/2/25 20:48, Aneesh Kumar K.V wrote:
Xu Yilun <yilun.xu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

On Thu, Feb 27, 2025 at 07:27:22PM +0530, Aneesh Kumar K.V wrote:
Xu Yilun <yilun.xu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

On Wed, Feb 26, 2025 at 05:40:02PM +0530, Aneesh Kumar K.V wrote:
Xu Yilun <yilun.xu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

On Fri, Feb 21, 2025 at 01:43:28PM +0530, Aneesh Kumar K.V wrote:
Alexey Kardashevskiy <aik@xxxxxxx> writes:


I am trying to wrap my head around your tsm. here is what I got in my tree:


drivers/virt/coco/tsm.ko does sysfs (including "connect" and "bind" to
control and "certs"/"report" to attest) and implements tsm_dev/tsm_tdi,
it does not know pci_dev;

drivers/pci/tsm-pci.ko creates/destroys tsm_dev/tsm_dev using tsm.ko;

drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp.ko (the PSP guy) registers:
- tsm_subsys in tsm.ko (which does "connect" and "bind" and
- tsm_bus_subsys in tsm-pci.ko (which does "spdm_forward")
ccp.ko knows about pci_dev and whatever else comes in the future, and
ccp.ko's "connect" implementation calls the IDE library (I am adopting
yours now, with some tweaks).

tsm-dev and tsm-tdi embed struct dev each and are added as children to
PCI devices: no hide/show attrs, no additional TSM pointer in struct
device or pci_dev, looks like:

aik@sc ~> ls  /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:e1:04.0/tsm-tdi/tdi:0000:e1:04.0/
device  power  subsystem  tsm_report  tsm_report_user  tsm_tdi_bind
tsm_tdi_status  tsm_tdi_status_user  uevent

aik@sc ~> ls  /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:e1:04.0/tsm_dev/
device  power  subsystem  tsm_certs  tsm_cert_slot  tsm_certs_user
tsm_dev_connect  tsm_dev_status  tsm_meas  tsm_meas_user  uevent

aik@sc ~> ls /sys/class/tsm/tsm0/
device  power  stream0:0000:e1:00.0  subsystem  uevent

aik@sc ~> ls /sys/class/tsm-dev/
tdev:0000:c0:01.1  tdev:0000:e0:01.1  tdev:0000:e1:00.0

aik@sc ~> ls /sys/class/tsm-tdi/
tdi:0000:c0:01.1  tdi:0000:e0:01.1  tdi:0000:e1:00.0  tdi:0000:e1:04.0
tdi:0000:e1:04.1  tdi:0000:e1:04.2  tdi:0000:e1:04.3

SPDM forwarding seems a bus-agnostic concept, "connect" is a PCI thing
but pci_dev is only needed for DOE/IDE.

Or is separating struct pci_dev from struct device not worth it and most
of it should go to tsm-pci.ko? Then what is left for tsm.ko? Thanks,

For the Arm CCA DA, I have structured the flow as follows. I am
currently refining my changes to prepare them for posting. I am using
tsm-core in both the host and guest. There is no bind interface at the
sysfs level; instead, it is managed via the KVM ioctl

step 1.
echo ${DEVICE} > /sys/bus/pci/devices/${DEVICE}/driver/unbind
echo vfio-pci > /sys/bus/pci/devices/${DEVICE}/driver_override
echo ${DEVICE} > /sys/bus/pci/drivers_probe

step 2.
echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/$DEVICE/tsm/connect

step 3.
using VMM to make the new KVM_SET_DEVICE_ATTR ioctl

+		dev_num = vfio_devices[i].dev_hdr.dev_num;
+		/* kvmtool only do 0 domain, 0 bus and 0 function devices. */
+		guest_bdf = (0ULL << 32) | (0 << 16) | dev_num << 11 | (0 << 8);
+		struct kvm_vfio_tsm_bind param = {
+			.guest_rid = guest_bdf,
+			.devfd = vfio_devices[i].fd,
+		};
+		struct kvm_device_attr attr = {
+			.group = KVM_DEV_VFIO_DEVICE,
+			.addr = (__u64)&param,
+		};
+		if (ioctl(kvm_vfio_device, KVM_SET_DEVICE_ATTR, &attr)) {
+			return -ENODEV;
+		}

I think bind (which brings device to a LOCKED state, no MMIO, no DMA)
cannot be a driver agnostic behavior. So I think it should be a VFIO

For the current CCA implementation bind is equivalent to VDEV_CREATE
which doesn't mark the device LOCKED. Marking the device LOCKED is
driven by the guest as shown in the steps below.

Could you elaborate why vdev create & LOCK can't be done at the same
time, when guest requests "lock"? Intel TDX also requires firmware calls
like tdi_create(alloc metadata) & tdi_bind(do LOCK), but I don't see
there is need to break them out in different phases.

Yes, that is possible and might be what I will end up doing. Right now
I have kept the interface flexible enough as I am writing these changes.

Good to know that, thanks.

Device can possibly be presented in locked state to the guest.

This is also what I did before. But finally I dropped (or pending) this
"early binding" support. There are several reset operations during VM
setup and booting, especially the ones in bios. They breaks LOCK state
and I have to make VFIO suppress the reset, or reset & recover, but that
seems not worth the effort.

May wanna know how you see this problem.

Currently, my approach involves a split vdev_create and a TDISP lock, which is
why I haven't encountered the issue mentioned above. The current changes
implement vdev_create via the VMM, while the guest makes an RSI call to
switch the device to the locked state.

I chose to separate vdev_create and TDISP lock into two distinct steps
to simplify the process and better align it with the RMM spec [1].

I noticed that SEV-TIO performs a KVM_EXIT_VMGEXIT, which carries out a
similar operation unless it has already been handled during VM startup.
 From your reply above, I understand there was a proposal to combine
VDEV_CREATE and TDISP_LOCK. However, you also mentioned that if we
present the device in a locked state to a VM early in the boot process,
we might unintentionally break the TDISP lock state.

Linux will break it (or/and my device are buggy?), I have this in my stash:
"RFC: PCI: Avoid needless touching of Command register"

I will look up the previous discussions to better understand the
rationale behind combining vdev_create and lock.

It is the opposite, there is no obvious reason to separate these so we are trying to make things simpler for now.


ah this is the spec. "Realm Management Monitor" is not very obvious name when searching for TDISP (but I did not try hard :) ) Thanks,



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