Re: diagnosing resume failures after disconnected USB4 drives (Was: Re: PCI/ASPM: Fix L1SS saving (linus/master commit 7507eb3e7bfac))

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On 2/28/25 08:04, Kenneth Crudup wrote:

Don't worry about the printk()s WRT to the code; a couple of weeks ago I'd seen an NPE on resume in __tb_path_deactivate_hop so threw in a bunch of tb_port_info(port, "%s(): %d\n", __func__, __LINE__); so I could get an idea of where the crash was.

I've started a separate E-mail about this, but I'd determined those crashes were due to d6d458d42e1 ("Handle DisplayPort tunnel activation asynchronously").

Since reverting 9d573d1954 and d6d458d42e1 I've been testing several resume scenarios (NVMe connected/disconnected and/or external DP-tunneled monitor connected/disconnected and have yet to have a resume or hibernate failure over several cycles.

Now, how do I help you guys go about fixing these commits?


Kenneth R. Crudup / Sr. SW Engineer, Scott County Consulting, Orange County CA

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