Re: [PATCH v7 07/17] cxl/pci: Map CXL PCIe Root Port and Downstream Switch Port RAS registers

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On 2/14/2025 3:24 PM, Dan Williams wrote:
> Bowman, Terry wrote:
>> On 2/11/2025 7:23 PM, Dan Williams wrote:
>>> Terry Bowman wrote:
>>>> The CXL mem driver (cxl_mem) currently maps and caches a pointer to RAS
>>>> registers for the endpoint's Root Port. The same needs to be done for
>>>> each of the CXL Downstream Switch Ports and CXL Root Ports found between
>>>> the endpoint and CXL Host Bridge.
>>>> Introduce cxl_init_ep_ports_aer() to be called for each CXL Port in the
>>>> sub-topology between the endpoint and the CXL Host Bridge. This function
>>>> will determine if there are CXL Downstream Switch Ports or CXL Root Ports
>>>> associated with this Port. The same check will be added in the future for
>>>> upstream switch ports.
>>>> Move the RAS register map logic from cxl_dport_map_ras() into
>>>> cxl_dport_init_ras_reporting(). This eliminates the need for the helper
>>>> function, cxl_dport_map_ras().
>>> Not sure about the motivation here...
>>>> cxl_init_ep_ports_aer() calls cxl_dport_init_ras_reporting() to map
>>>> the RAS registers for CXL Downstream Switch Ports and CXL Root Ports.
>>> Ok, makes sense...
>>>> cxl_dport_init_ras_reporting() must check for previously mapped registers
>>>> before mapping. This is required because multiple Endpoints under a CXL
>>>> switch may share an upstream CXL Root Port, CXL Downstream Switch Port,
>>>> or CXL Downstream Switch Port. Ensure the RAS registers are only mapped
>>>> once.
>>> Sounds broken. Every device upstream-port only has one downstream port.
>>> A CXL switch config looks like this:
>>>            │             
>>> ┌──────────┼────────────┐
>>> │SWITCH   ┌┴─┐          │
>>> │         │UP│          │
>>> │         └─┬┘          │
>>> │    ┌──────┼─────┐     │
>>> │    │      │     │     │
>>> │   ┌┴─┐  ┌─┴┐  ┌─┴┐    │
>>> │   │DP│  │DP│  │DP│    │
>>> │   └┬─┘  └─┬┘  └─┬┘    │
>>> └────┼──────┼─────┼─────┘
>>>     ┌┴─┐  ┌─┴┐  ┌─┴┐     
>>>     │EP│  │EP│  │EP│     
>>>     └──┘  └──┘  └──┘     
>>> how can an endpoint ever find that its immediate parent downstream
>>> port has already been mapped?
>>             ┌─┴─┐
>>             │RP1│
>>             └─┬─┘
>>   ┌───────────┼───────────┐
>>   │SWITCH   ┌─┴─┐         │
>>   │         │UP1│         │   RP1 - 0c:00.0
>>   │         └─┬─┘         │   UP1 - 0d:00.0
>>   │    ┌──────┼─────┐     │   DP1 - 0e:00.0
>>   │    │      │     │     │
>>   │  ┌─┴─┐  ┌─┴─┐ ┌─┴─┐   │
>>   │  │DP1│  │DP2│ │DP3│   │
>>   │  └─┬─┘  └─┬─┘ └─┬─┘   │
>>   └────┼──────┼─────┼─────┘
>>      ┌─┴─┐  ┌─┴─┐ ┌─┴─┐
>>      │EP1│  │EP2│ │EP3│
>>      └───┘  └───┘ └───┘
>> It cant but the root RP and USP have duplicate calls for each EP in the example diagram.
>> The function's purpose is to map RAS registers and cache the address. This reuses the
>> same function for RP and DSP. The DSP will never be previously mapped as you indicated.
> Are you talking about in the current code, which should have already
> reported problems due to multiple overlapping mappings, or with the
> proposed changes? Can you clarify the sequenece of calls that triggers
> the multiple mappings of RP1?
Yes, in this thread I was discussing the current implementation. The
multiple calls to map RPs and USPs occur with the below calls. It iterates from
endpoint to RP. From patches 7 and 8 (v7):

devm_cxl_add_endpoint() cxl_init_ep_ports_aer(ep) - Calls for each port between EP and RP.cxl_dport_init_ras_reporting() - Maps DP/RP RAS

> Also, if EP1 and EP2 race to establish the RP1 mapping, then wouldn't
> EP1 and EP2 also race to tear it down? What prevents EP2 from unmapping
> RP1 if EP1 still needs it mapped?
> I would prefer that rather than EP1 being responsible for mapping RP1
> RAS, and a lock to prevent EP2 and EP3 from also repeating that, it
> should be UP1 in cxl_switch_port_probe() taking responsibility for
> mapping RP1 RAS.
> One of the known problems with cxl_switch_port_probe() is that it
> enumerates all dports regardless of attachment. That would be where I
> would expect problems of dports already going through initialization
> prematurely in advance of an endpoint showing up. However, that's a
> different fix.
Yes, there is a problem with the unmapping. Your recommendation is a good

Shouldn't cxl_switch_port_probe() map UP1 RAS as well?
> [..]
>>>> +
>>>> +	/* dport may have more than 1 downstream EP. Check if already mapped. */
>>>> +	mutex_lock(&ras_init_mutex);
>>> I suspect this lock and check got added to workaround "Failed to request
>>> region" messages coming out of devm_cxl_iomap_block() in testing? Per
>>> above, that's not "more than 1 downstream EPi", that's "failure to clean
>>> up the last mapping for the next cxl_mem_probe() event of the same
>>> endpoint".
>> Synchronization was added to handle the concurrent accesses. I never observed
>> issues due to the race condition for RP and USP but I confirmed through further
>> testing it is a real potential issue for the RP and USP.
> It is still not clear to me how this singleton lock helps when multiple
> EPs are sharing a resource that both races init and shutdown.
It doesn't. I overlooked the chaotic unmap situation unfortunately.
>> You recommended, in the next patch, to map USP RAS registers from cxl_endpoint_port_probe().
>> Would you like the RP and DSP mapping to be called from cxl_endpoint_port_probe() as well? Terry
> I think it is broken for an EP to be reaching through a switch to
> initialize a shared resource at the RP level. Each level of the
> hierarchy should take care of its immediate parent. We need this
> bottom-up incremental arrangement due to the way that CXL hides
> register blocks until CXL link up.
Ok, understood. I have already moved over the port iteration that was in cxl_init_ep_ports_aer() to cxl_endpoint_port_probe(). I now need to change the logic that iterates EP to RP to be more localized (just to the endpoint's immediate DSP/RP). And from your comments above I understand I need to update the cxl_switch_port_probe() to map upstream RP (DSP for multi-level SW).Terry

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