Re: [PATCH v5 05/16] PCI/AER: Add CXL PCIe Port correctable error support in AER service driver

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On 2/6/2025 12:33 PM, Gregory Price wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 07, 2025 at 08:38:41AM -0600, Terry Bowman wrote:
>> The AER service driver supports handling Downstream Port Protocol Errors in
>> Restricted CXL host (RCH) mode also known as CXL1.1. It needs the same
>> functionality for CXL PCIe Ports operating in Virtual Hierarchy (VH)
>> mode.[1]
>> CXL and PCIe Protocol Error handling have different requirements that
>> necessitate a separate handling path. The AER service driver may try to
>> recover PCIe uncorrectable non-fatal errors (UCE). The same recovery is not
>> suitable for CXL PCIe Port devices because of potential for system memory
>> corruption. Instead, CXL Protocol Error handling must use a kernel panic
>> in the case of a fatal or non-fatal UCE. The AER driver's PCIe Protocol
>> Error handling does not panic the kernel in response to a UCE.
> Naive question: is a panic actually required if the memory is a userland
> resource?
> The code in arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mce/core.c suggests we may not panic
> if an uncorrectable error occurs in this fashion, but simply a SIGBUS.
> Unless this is down the wrong pipe - in which case disregard.
> I'm still digging through background on this patch set so I may be
> barking up the wrong tree.
> ~Gregory
The plan is to panic on any CXL device with uncorrectable errors
regardless of where used. This is to avoid corruption.


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