Re: [PATCH 2/5] PCI: sg2042: Add Sophgo SG2042 PCIe driver

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On 2024/11/13 5:20, Bjorn Helgaas wrote:
On Mon, Nov 11, 2024 at 01:59:56PM +0800, Chen Wang wrote:
From: Chen Wang <unicorn_wang@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Add support for PCIe controller in SG2042 SoC. The controller
uses the Cadence PCIe core programmed by pcie-cadence*.c. The
PCIe controller will work in host mode only.
+++ b/drivers/pci/controller/cadence/Kconfig
@@ -67,4 +67,15 @@ config PCI_J721E_EP
  	  Say Y here if you want to support the TI J721E PCIe platform
  	  controller in endpoint mode. TI J721E PCIe controller uses Cadence PCIe
+config PCIE_SG2042
+	bool "Sophgo SG2042 PCIe controller (host mode)"
+	depends on OF
+	help
+	  Say Y here if you want to support the Sophgo SG2042 PCIe platform
+	  controller in host mode. Sophgo SG2042 PCIe controller uses Cadence
+	  PCIe core.
Reorder to keep these menu items in alphabetical order by vendor.
Sorry, I don't understand your question. I think the menu items in this 
Kconfig file are already sorted alphabetically.
+++ b/drivers/pci/controller/cadence/pcie-sg2042.c
+ * SG2042 PCIe controller supports two ways to report MSI:
+ * - Method A, the PICe controller implements an MSI interrupt controller inside,
+ *   and connect to PLIC upward through one interrupt line. Provides
+ *   memory-mapped msi address, and by programming the upper 32 bits of the
+ *   address to zero, it can be compatible with old pcie devices that only
+ *   support 32-bit msi address.
+ * - Method B, the PICe controller connects to PLIC upward through an
+ *   independent MSI controller "sophgo,sg2042-msi" on the SOC. The MSI
+ *   controller provides multiple(up to 32) interrupt sources to PLIC.
+ *   Compared with the first method, the advantage is that the interrupt source
+ *   is expanded, but because for SG2042, the msi address provided by the MSI
+ *   controller is fixed and only supports 64-bit address(> 2^32), it is not
+ *   compatible with old pcie devices that only support 32-bit msi address.
+ * Method A & B can be configured in DTS with property "sophgo,internal-msi",
+ * default is Method B.
s/PICe/PCIe/ (multiple)
s/msi/MSI/ (multiple)
s/pcie/PCIe/ (multiple)

Wrap comment (and code below) to fit in 80 columns.  Add blank lines
between paragraphs.
Got, will change.
Remove (see below).
Yes, after some testing, seems this address fixup is not need, will remove it.
+static void sg2042_pcie_msi_irq_compose_msi_msg(struct irq_data *d,
+						struct msi_msg *msg)
+	struct sg2042_pcie *pcie = irq_data_get_irq_chip_data(d);
+	struct device *dev = pcie->cdns_pcie->dev;
+	msg->address_lo = lower_32_bits(pcie->msi_phys) + BYTE_NUM_PER_MSI_VEC * d->hwirq;
+	msg->address_hi = upper_32_bits(pcie->msi_phys);
+	msg->data = 1;
+	pcie->num_applied_vecs = d->hwirq;
This looks questionable.  How do you know d->hwirq increases every
time this is called?
Thanks, it's a bug, I will fix it.
+	dev_info(dev, "compose msi msg hwirq[%d] address_hi[%#x] address_lo[%#x]\n",
+		 (int)d->hwirq, msg->address_hi, msg->address_lo);
This seems too verbose to be a dev_info().  Maybe a dev_dbg() or
remove it altogether.
Will change it to dev_dbg.
+ * We use the usual two domain structure, the top one being a generic PCI/MSI
+ * domain, the bottom one being SG2042-specific and handling the actual HW
+ * interrupt allocation.
+ * At the same time, for internal MSI controller(Method A), bottom chip uses a
+ * chained handler to handle the controller's MSI IRQ edge triggered.
Add blank line between paragraphs.
+static int sg2042_pcie_setup_msi_external(struct sg2042_pcie *pcie)
+	struct device *dev = pcie->cdns_pcie->dev;
+	struct device_node *np = dev->of_node;
+	struct irq_domain *parent_domain;
+	struct device_node *parent_np;
+	if (!of_find_property(np, "interrupt-parent", NULL)) {
+		dev_err(dev, "Can't find interrupt-parent!\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	parent_np = of_irq_find_parent(np);
+	if (!parent_np) {
+		dev_err(dev, "Can't find node of interrupt-parent!\n");
Can you use some kind of %pOF format to include more information here?
Thanks, will double check this.


+	if (pcie->link_id == 1) {
+		regmap_write(pcie->syscon, REG_LINK1_MSI_ADDR_LOW,
+			     lower_32_bits(pcie->msi_phys));
+		regmap_write(pcie->syscon, REG_LINK1_MSI_ADDR_HIGH,
+			     upper_32_bits(pcie->msi_phys));
+		regmap_read(pcie->syscon, REG_LINK1_MSI_ADDR_SIZE, &value);
+		value = (value & REG_LINK1_MSI_ADDR_SIZE_MASK) | MAX_MSI_IRQS;
+		regmap_write(pcie->syscon, REG_LINK1_MSI_ADDR_SIZE, value);
+	} else {
+		regmap_write(pcie->syscon, REG_LINK0_MSI_ADDR_LOW,
+			     lower_32_bits(pcie->msi_phys));
+		regmap_write(pcie->syscon, REG_LINK0_MSI_ADDR_HIGH,
+			     upper_32_bits(pcie->msi_phys));
+		regmap_read(pcie->syscon, REG_LINK0_MSI_ADDR_SIZE, &value);
+		value = (value & REG_LINK0_MSI_ADDR_SIZE_MASK) | (MAX_MSI_IRQS << 16);
+		regmap_write(pcie->syscon, REG_LINK0_MSI_ADDR_SIZE, value);
+	}
Lot of pcie->link_id checking going on here.  Consider saving these
offsets in the struct sg2042_pcie so you don't need to test
Actually, there are not many places in the code to check link_id. If to 
add storage information in struct sg2042_pcie, at least four  u32 are 
needed. And this logic will only be called one time in the probe. So I 
think it is better to keep the current method. What do you think?

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