Hi, We've got a custom x86_64 based design that is using an ASIX9100 to provide a PCI to local bus bridge. Attached to that local bus is an FPGA which mostly provides some GPIOs accessed via registers on the local bus. Right now we've got a custom driver that bundles everything together so effectively we've got a PCI device that provides GPIOs. But as things can change based on the FPGA program I'd like some flexibility to treat it separately from the PCI bridge. So really I'd like to have a PCI device driver for the ASIX9100 that provides a local bus controller and a (platform?) driver for the FPGA that provides the GPIOs where I can have different compatibles for the different implementations. Then in the ACPI overlay I'd have something like Scope (\_SB.PCI0.D0B0) { Device (ASIX) { Name (_ADR, 0x0000) Device (FPGA) { Name (_HID, "PRP0001") Name (_DSD, Package () { ToUUID("daffd814-6eba-4d8c-8a91-bc9bbf4aa301"), Package () { Package () { "compatible", "my-platform-driver-for-fpga" }, } }) } } } Scope(\_SB) { Device(OTHR) { GpioIo (Exclusive, PullUp, 0, 0, IoRestrictionInputOnly, "\\_SB.PCI0.D0B0.ASIX.FPGA",) { 0 } } } Is it even possible to register a host controller for another platform bus? Thanks, Chris