Congratulations!!! This is inform you officially that you one of the beneficiary of FEDERAL COVID-19 PANDEMIC RELIEF PROGRAM established by the Coronavirus Aids, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Acts, thus you are eligible to receive Aid worth $5,500,000.00. (Five Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) only from (CARES) Acts. Note that CARES Acts. is set up to help individuals, private Organization as part of our support and humanitarian services for the Economy recovering from COVID-19. Endeavor to contact the Fund Disbursement Officer Mrs Kadir Ayshe via her email kdayshe@xxxxxxxxx, immediately for the disbursement of your AID MONEY and provide her with your contact information as stated below: (1) This is your Remittance Code (CARES20JH1021) (2) Your Full Name: (3) Contact Address: (4) Your Date of Birth: Mrs Kadir Ayshe, CARES AID FUND DISBURSEMENT OFFICER Email Address: kdayshe@xxxxxxxxx Mr. Zych Mateusz, Program Director FEDERAL COVID-19 PANDEMIC RELIEF PROGRAM Coronavirus Aids, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Acts.