sorry. i had focused on the
unsigned short device;
Greg KH wrote:
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 03:10:55PM -0400, Charles Brown wrote:
> Eike,
> dma_sync_single_for_cpu() takes a 'struct device *', but the
> device I'm using with pci_alloc_consistent() is a 'struct pci_dev
> *'. where do I get the 'struct device *'? I looked at the pci_dev
> structure, and it doesn't seem to have a pertinent member i can use.
You didn't look that hard:
struct device dev; /* Generic device interface */
is part of struct pci_dev.
> Should I just declare one locally?
No, use the one in struct pci_dev, that's the correct one.
greg k-h
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