The following testcase fails when compiled with -march=2.0: /* Test front-end conversions, optimizer conversions, and run-time conversions between different arithmetic types. Constants are specified in a non-obvious way to make them work for any word size. Their value on a 32-bit machine is indicated in the comments. Note that this code is NOT intended for testing of accuracy of fp conversions. */ unsigned long long int f2ull(float f) { return (unsigned long long int) f; } test_float_to_longlong_integer() { if (f2ull((float) ((~0ULL) >> 1)) != (~0ULL) >> 1 && /* 0x7fffffff */ f2ull((float) ((~0ULL) >> 1)) != ((~0ULL) >> 1) + 1) abort(); } main() { test_float_to_longlong_integer(); exit(0); } The problem is the fcnv,t,sgl,udw instruction. It appears it isn't emulated correctly. Test doesn't fail on hpux. Dave -- J. David Anglin dave.anglin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx National Research Council of Canada (613) 990-0752 (FAX: 952-6602) -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-parisc" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at