Dave, The FSF GDB 7.1.50 from CVS head performs much better than the default GDB in Debian unstable. I highly recommend building it from source and using it for debugging. It also has the new `=>` PC pointer when you dissassemble... 0x413deed4 <+220>: cmpb,= ret0,ret1,0x413def44 <_dl_make_fptr+332> 0x413deed8 <+224>: shladd,l rp,3,r5,rp => 0x413deedc <+228>: ldw 8(r5),ret1 0x413deee0 <+232>: ldw 4(r5),ret0 0x413deee4 <+236>: cmpb,<<= ret0,ret1,0x413deffc <_dl_make_fptr+516> 0x413deee8 <+240>: ldo 1(ret1),rp Which is handy. Cheers, Carlos. -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-parisc" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html