Hello all,
looking at this hunk:
ccio_io_pdir_entry(u64 *pdir_ptr, space_t sid, unsigned long vba,
unsigned long hints)
register unsigned long pa;
register unsigned long ci; /* coherent index */
/* We currently only support kernel addresses */
pa = virt_to_phys(vba);
asm volatile("depw %1,31,12,%0" : "+r" (pa) : "r" (hints));
((u32 *)pdir_ptr)[1] = (u32) pa;
pa = 0;
asm volatile ("lci %%r0(%%sr1, %1), %0" : "=r" (ci) : "r" (vba));
asm volatile ("extru %1,19,12,%0" : "+r" (ci) : "r" (ci));
asm volatile ("depw %1,15,12,%0" : "+r" (pa) : "r" (ci));
((u32 *)pdir_ptr)[0] = (u32) pa;
asm volatile("fdc %%r0(%0)" : : "r" (pdir_ptr));
asm volatile("sync");
(I just remove comments and 64bit stuff)
and I noticed that resulting code looks like:
0: cb 39 a0 60 movb,<> r25,r25,38 <ccio_io_pdir_entry+0x38>
4: 34 1c 00 00 ldi 0,ret0
8: 00 1c 58 20 mtsp ret0,sr1
c: 22 60 0e 01 ldil L%-10000000,r19
10: 0a 78 0a 13 add,l r24,r19,r19
14: d6 77 0c 14 depw r23,31,12,r19
18: 0f 53 12 88 stw r19,4(r26)
1c: 07 00 53 1c lci r0(sr1,r24),ret0
20: d3 9c 1a 74 extrw,u ret0,19,12,ret0
24: d7 3c 0e 14 depw ret0,15,12,r25
28: 0f 59 12 80 stw r25,0(r26)
2c: 07 40 12 80 fdc r0(r26)
30: 00 00 04 00 sync
34: e8 40 c0 02 bv,n r0(rp)
38: 03 ff e0 1f break 1f,1fff
3c: e8 1f 1f f7 b,l,n 3c <ccio_io_pdir_entry+0x3c>,r0
Disassembly of section .text.ccio_proc_bitmap_open:
And my worry was about lines 4: and 8:.
According to the C code, I don't understand why optimization want to initialize sr1 to 0 while it should be set to r25 (i.e.
Otoh, the sba botherhood code didn't showing the same behaviour:
0: 22 a0 0e 01 ldil L%-10000000,r21
4: 34 1c 00 00 ldi 0,ret0
8: 34 1d 20 01 ldi -1000,ret1
c: 0a b8 0a 15 add,l r24,r21,r21
10: 08 15 02 56 copy r21,r22
14: 34 15 00 00 ldi 0,r21
18: 0b 95 02 15 and r21,ret0,r21
1c: 0b b6 02 16 and r22,ret1,r22
20: 00 19 58 20 mtsp r25,sr1
24: 07 00 53 13 lci r0(sr1,r24),r19
28: d2 73 1a 6c extrw,u r19,19,20,r19
2c: 23 80 00 01 ldil L%-80000000,ret0
30: 34 1d 00 00 ldi 0,ret1
but didn't start with BUG_ON(), I simply try to remove this from ccio code and get a better result:
00000000 <ccio_io_pdir_entry>:
0: 00 19 58 20 mtsp r25,sr1
4: 23 80 0e 01 ldil L%-10000000,ret0
8: 0b 98 0a 1c add,l r24,ret0,ret0
c: d7 97 0c 14 depw r23,31,12,ret0
10: 0f 5c 12 88 stw ret0,4(r26)
14: 07 00 53 18 lci r0(sr1,r24),r24
18: d3 18 1a 74 extrw,u r24,19,12,r24
1c: 34 1c 00 00 ldi 0,ret0
20: d7 98 0e 14 depw r24,15,12,ret0
24: 0f 5c 12 80 stw ret0,0(r26)
28: 07 40 12 80 fdc r0(r26)
2c: 00 00 04 00 sync
30: e8 40 c0 02 bv,n r0(rp)
Disassembly of section .init.text:
But this time, it seems not consider assembly:
asm volatile ("lci %%r0(%%sr1, %1), %0" : "=r" (ci) : "r" (vba));
asm volatile ("extru %1,19,12,%0" : "+r" (ci) : "r" (ci));
asm volatile ("depw %1,15,12,%0" : "+r" (pa) : "r" (ci));
as a 'volatile' block and insert line 1c:
This could may be solved by re-write as an one 'volatile' asm block like:
asm volatile (
"lci %%r0(%%sr1, %1), %1"
"\textru %1,19,12,%1\n"
"\tdepw %1,15,12,%0\n"
: "=r" (pa)
: "r" (vba));
and even add a clobber 'memory'
asm volatile (
"lci %%r0(%%sr1, %1), %1"
"\textru %1,19,12,%1\n"
"\tdepw %1,15,12,%0\n"
: "=r" (pa)
: "r" (vba)
: "memory");
But I have no clue how to restore BUG_ON() and avoid wrong optimization?
Any idea?
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