I have a 2.6.32 kernel based on the L23.i3.3 kernel (2.6.32) from TI,
and I've run into an interesting problem with UART3 (maps to /dev/ttyS1
on the Torpedo board).
On the host I have it hooked up to /dev/ttyS1, so I turn on CTS/RTS and
set the baudrate by:
host$ stty 115200 crtscts < /dev/ttyS1
And the same on the target:
OMAP-35x$ stty 115200 crtscts < /dev/ttyS1
To force the board to throttle the serial I slowed down the console to
OMAP-35x$ stty 19200 < /dev/ttyS0
On the target console I capture the data from the host (and show it on
the serial port):
OMAP-35x$ cat < /dev/ttyS1 | tee /tmp/x
and on the host send the data:
host$ dd if=/dev/urandom count=100 bs=1024 | hexdump -C > /tmp/x
host$ cat /tmp/x > /dev/ttyS1
I'd expect to see something like the following on the target:
00000000 35 2c a6 97 23 35 95 9a fb 91 6d 6e ce f8 32 d7
00000010 6b 0b cf 66 e6 3a b4 55 91 5f 86 8f 41 c9 49 76
00000020 e6 cf fa 0a 0e db 69 0c db 14 6b 76 62 4c 5b 9e
00000030 98 1b 5f 30 16 d6 ed 96 dc d7 f1 3b 59 a0 ec ac
00000040 86 8c 9b 28 21 b8 a0 98 ed cf 96 39 15 a4 7b 9e
00000050 bf 01 aa 09 1a 12 1f c3 49 b3 92 73 00 84 52 de
00000060 c0 d3 4b 1d ca 84 04 ea 60 ef 7f b2 63 36 eb 5e
00000070 28 0c 20 2a 86 a2 36 bb c7 c0 27 da 87 c8 8b 1e |(.
00000080 5d b7 04 b3 2c 0b 29 f4 8d 4f 5f fe 90 b0 1b 96
00000090 b8 82 94 ae 92 37 31 03 dc 1b c3 c0 38 b1 16 77
Instead I see:
OMAP-35x# head /tmp/x
00000000 35 2c a6 97 23 6b 0b ca fb 91 6d 6e ce f8 32 d6 8f|
00000010 .Iv|
00f 66 e6 3a b4 55 91 5f 8669 0c c9 49 76
|k..f.:.U._..A.|.....000020 e6 cf
fa 0a 0e db 1b 5f db 14 6b 76 62 4c 5b 9e b 59 a.i...kvbL[.|
00000030 98.|
000030 16 d6 ed 96 dc d7 f1 3b 59 e0 ec ac
|.._0.......;Y.....(!..0040 86 8c
9b 28 21 b8 a0 98 09d cf 96 39 15 a4 7b 9e |.00 84 ....9..{.|
00000050 bf 01000000 1a 12 1f c3 49 b3 92 73 a 60 52 de
.....`60 c0 d3 4b 1d ca 84 04 e0 2a 8ef 7f b2 63 36 eb 5e |..7 c8
00000070 28 0c 20000806 a2 36 bb c7 c0 27 da 87 8d 4f 1e |(.
00.)..O_ 5d b7 04 b3 2c 0b 29 f4 ae 92 5f fe 90 b0 1b 96 |]...,.).6
00000090 b8 82 94 00a0 37 31 03 dc 1b c3 c0 38 b1 7c 77
Looking deeper:
OMAP-35x# hexdump -C /tmp/x | head
00000000 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 33 35 20 32 63 20 |00000000
35 2c |
00000010 61 36 20 39 37 20 32 33 20 36 62 20 30 62 20 63 |a6 97 23 6b
0b c|
00000020 61 20 20 66 62 20 39 31 20 36 64 20 36 65 20 63 |a fb 91 6d
6e c|
00000030 65 20 66 38 20 33 32 20 64 36 20 38 66 20 34 31 |e f8 32 d6
8f 41|
00000040 2e 23 35 2e 2e 2e 2e 6d 6e 2e 2e 32 2e 7c 0a 30
00000050 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 20 20 2e 49 76 7c 0a 30 30 |0000010
00000060 66 20 36 36 20 65 36 20 33 61 20 62 34 20 35 35 |f 66 e6 3a
b4 55|
00000070 20 20 39 31 20 35 66 20 38 36 36 39 20 30 63 20 | 91 5f
8669 0c |
00000080 20 63 39 20 34 39 20 37 36 20 20 7c 6b 2e 2e 66 | c9 49 76
00000090 2e 3a 2e 55 2e 5f 2e 2e 41 2e 7c 2e 2e 2e 2e 2e
However if I instead use UART2 and replicate the above steps, all is
well. I've looked at the serial signals and CTS/RTS are responding as
expected. I tried switching drivers from the 8250 to the OMAP_SERIAL,
and the results look the same.
Any ideas what is happening?
Peter Barada
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