On 7/30/2010 5:57 AM, G, Manjunath Kondaiah wrote:
+/* Attributes for OMAP DMA Contrllers */
+#define ENABLE_1510_MODE (1<< 0)
+#define DMA_LINKED_LCH (1<< 1)
+#define GLOBAL_PRIORITY (1<< 2)
+#define RESERVE_CHANNEL (1<< 3)
+#define SRC_PORT (2<< 3)
+#define DST_PORT (2<< 4)
+#define IS_CSSA_32 (2<< 5)
+#define IS_CDSA_32 (2<< 6)
+#define SRC_INDEX (4<< 6)
+#define DST_INDEX (4<< 7)
+#define IS_BURST_ONLY4 (4<< 8)
+#define CLEAR_CSR_ON_READ (4<< 9)
+#define IS_WORD_16 (8<< 9)
+#define IS_RW_PRIORIY (8<< 0xA)
It is a minor detail, but why are you shifting both side of the
operator? It is really confusing, cannot you just do 1<< X?
With 0< X< 13.
I can change this if it is confusing to others.
So you are still convince that this is a good way to do it???
What is the rational behind that?
Why adding potential source of confusion when you can avoid that easily?
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