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On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 5:23 PM, Nishanth Menon <nm@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Ref [1] w.r.t some patchset seen on linux driver project having a similar
> condition of ton of camelcasing and [2],
> Can we consider running the following script for DSPBridge code? or if there
> are some more improvements folks can think of..

Yes, I think we should do that, and make some sort of release,
possibly squashing all the changes... my current branch counts 218

> -----
> #!/bin/bash
> # Silly little script to replace CaMELCaSInG to lower_casing
> # Half a zillion thoughts later,
> # why not use ctags which has c interpreter already to do
> # function identification for us?
> if [ ! -r 'tags'  ]; then
> echo "Sorry.. no tags file!"
> exit 1
> fi
> if [ ! -r "$1" ]; then
> echo "I need a directory or a file for replacing.."
> exit 2
> fi
> DIR_FILE=`echo "$1"|sed -e "s/\//\\\//g"`
> # tags have the following notation in field 4 (tab seperated)
> # e - enum value
> # d - define
> # f - function
> # F - File itself
> # g - enum type
> # m - structure parameter
> # p - prototype
> # r - kconfig define(refered)
> # s - structure type
> # t - typedefined variable
> # v - variable
> # x - extern defined variable
> # we can choose to have different rules:
> # rename rule i am going to follow:
> # Any define -> convert camelcase to lower_case_define->convert to caps
> # Any function, enum,struct param,prototype,struct type, typedef var,extern
> def ->
> # camel_case to lower_case_define
> # All files will be made unix file only (no point in dos + unix mixtures..)
> #**
> #* @brief - changes camel casing to ones with smaller case
> #*
> camel_to_norm(){
> echo $1|tr '\_' '+' |sed 's/\([A-Z]\)/_\l\1/g' | sed 's/^_\([a-z]\)/\1/g' |\
>  tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' | sed "s/\([a-z][a-z]\+\)/-\1-/g"|tr -d '_'|\
>  tr '-' '_'|sed -e "s/_$//g"|sed -e "s/^_//g" | tr '+' '_' |\
>  sed -e "s/__*/_/g"|sed -e "s/_\([0-9][0-9]*\)/\1/g"|\
>  sed -e "s/^[a-z]\_\([a-z][a-z]\+\)/\1/g"
> }
> #**
> #* @brief - all_to_upper - Moves all to upper case
> #*
> all_to_upper(){
> camel_to_norm $1 | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'
> }
> #**
> #* @brief generate_list - will generate list of symbols from tags matching
> #*
> generate_list() {
> cut -d' ' -f1,4 $TMPFILE|grep "$1\$"|cut -d' ' -f1|sort|uniq
> }

It looks like my tag file was tabs instead of spaces, so that line
makes everything explode... how about:
awk "\$4 ~ /[$1]/ { print \$1 }" $TMPFILE | sort | uniq

> #**
> #* @brief find_files - finds list of files from tag file matching usage
> #*
> find_files(){
> cut -d' ' -f1,2 $TMPFILE|grep "^$1"|cut -d' ' -f2|sort|uniq
> }

awk "\$1 ~ /^$1/ { print \$2 }" $TMPFILE | sort | uniq

> TMPFILE=/tmp/cleaner.$$.tmp
> TMPFILE1=/tmp/cleaner.$$.1.tmp
> # grab the output for only the ones we want..
> grep  "$DIR_FILE" tags |grep -v "^\!"|sed -e
> "s/\/\^.*\"/REPLACE_1/g">$TMPFILE
> replace_pattern(){
> echo "=====>Search and replace for pattern $1 with $2"
> # Convert the functions back to smaller case and replace them in the files
> for token in `generate_list "[$1]"`
> do
>  if [ $2 -eq "1" ]; then
>  new=`camel_to_norm $token`
>  else
>  new=`all_to_upper $token`
>  fi
>  if [ "$new" != "$token" ]; then
>  echo "==>Replacing $token with $low"

There's no $low, I guess you meant $new.

>  for file in `find_files $low`

Did you mean $token?

>  do
>   echo "->replacing $token to $new in file $file"
>   cp $file $TMPFILE1
>   dos2unix $TMPFILE1

This is simpler:
dos2unix -n $file $TMPFILE1

However, I think dos2unix should be run separately.

>   sed -e "s/\(W*\)$token\(\W*\)/\1$new\2/g" $TMPFILE1>$file

This is simpler:
sed -e "s/\<$token\>/$new/g" $TMPFILE1 > $file

>  done
>  else
>  echo "==>not replacing $token"

No need to say that.

>  fi
> done
> }
> echo "================= Replacing Defines ==============="
> replace_pattern d 2
> echo "================= Replacing Functions ==============="
> replace_pattern efgmpstvx 1

I did a few more cleanups (yeah, I'm too picky) and here's the result.
Unfortunately I still think it needs some work in the camel conversion
(E_FOO, __FOOBAR__, etc.)


# Silly little script to replace CaMELCaSInG to lower_casing
# Half a zillion thoughts later,
# why not use ctags which has c interpreter already to do
# function identification for us?

if [ ! -r 'tags'  ]; then
	echo "Sorry.. no tags file!"
	exit 1

if [ ! -r "$1" ]; then
	echo "I need a directory or a file for replacing.."
	exit 2

DIR_FILE=`echo "$1" | sed -e "s/\//\\\//g"`

# tags have the following notation in field 4 (tab seperated)
# e - enum value
# d - define
# f - function
# F - File itself
# g - enum type
# m - structure parameter
# p - prototype
# r - kconfig define(refered)
# s - structure type
# t - typedefined variable
# v - variable
# x - extern defined variable
# we can choose to have different rules:
# rename rule i am going to follow:
# Any define -> convert camelcase to lower_case_define->convert to caps
# Any function, enum,struct param,prototype,struct type, typedef
var,extern def ->
# camel_case to lower_case_define
# All files will be made unix file only (no point in dos + unix mixtures..)

#* @brief - changes camel casing to ones with smaller case
camel_to_norm() {
	echo $1 | tr '\_' '+' | sed 's/\([A-Z]\)/_\l\1/g' | sed
's/^_\([a-z]\)/\1/g' | \
	tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' | sed "s/\([a-z][a-z]\+\)/-\1-/g" | tr -d '_'| \
	tr '-' '_' | sed -e "s/_$//g" | sed -e "s/^_//g" | tr '+' '_' | \
	sed -e "s/__*/_/g" | sed -e "s/_\([0-9][0-9]*\)/\1/g" | \
	sed -e "s/^[a-z]\_\([a-z][a-z]\+\)/\1/g"

#* @brief - all_to_upper - Moves all to upper case
all_to_upper() {
	camel_to_norm $1 | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'

#* @brief generate_list - will generate list of symbols from tags matching
generate_list() {
	awk "\$4 ~ /[$1]/ { print \$1 }" $TMPFILE | sort | uniq

#* @brief find_files - finds list of files from tag file matching usage
find_files() {
	awk "\$1 ~ /^$1/ { print \$2 }" $TMPFILE | sort | uniq


# grab the output for only the ones we want..
grep "$DIR_FILE" tags | grep -v "^\!" | sed -e
"s/\/\^.*\"/REPLACE_1/g" > $TMPFILE

replace_pattern() {
	echo "=====> Search and replace for pattern $1 with $2"
	# Convert the functions back to smaller case and replace them in the files
	for token in `generate_list $1`
		if [ $2 -eq "1" ]; then
			new=`camel_to_norm $token`
			new=`all_to_upper $token`
		if [ "$new" != "$token" ]; then
			# echo "==> Replacing '$token' with '$new'"
			for file in `find_files $token`
				echo "==> Replacing $token to $new in file $file"
				dos2unix -n $file $TMPFILE1
				sed -e "s/\<$token\>/$new/g" $TMPFILE1 > $file

echo "================= Replacing Defines ==============="
replace_pattern d 2
echo "================= Replacing Functions ==============="
replace_pattern efgmpstvx 1



Felipe Contreras
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