Re: [PATCH 1/2] dt-bindings: i2c: omap: Add mux-states property

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Hi Jayesh,

Am 18.03.25 um 11:36 schrieb Jayesh Choudhary:
Add mux controller support for when the I2C lines are muxed after
signals come out of SoC and before they go to any client.

Signed-off-by: Jayesh Choudhary <j-choudhary@xxxxxx>
  Documentation/devicetree/bindings/i2c/ti,omap4-i2c.yaml | 6 ++++++
  1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)

Is there any chance for this to be generic across any i2c controller
regardless of SoC in use?
Is this perhaps also generic to any device in dts,
similar to assigned-clocks?

E.g. in k3-am642-hummingboard-t-{pcie,usb3}.dts we have a mux on the carrier board switching a serdes lane between two different connectors. It would make sense for pcie and usb phy nodes to delay probe in a similar fashion. The same may hold true for other buses muxed at boot-time or based on assembly options or extension cards.

Josua Mayer

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