On 7/22/19 3:59 PM, Pavel Machek wrote:
So now the backlight LED can be controlled. Good. (And thanks!)
But I seem to remember that backlight had range from "is it really on?"
to "very bright"; now it seems to have range from "bright" to "very
Any ideas what goes on there?
In the LM3552 driver we are changing the Full scale brightness registers
for the
specific control bank.
#define LM3532_REG_CTRL_A_BRT 0x17
#define LM3532_REG_CTRL_B_BRT 0x19
#define LM3532_REG_CTRL_C_BRT 0x1b
In the ti-lmu code the ALS zones were being modified not the control
bank brightness.
#define LM3532_REG_BRT_A 0x70 /* zone 0 */
#define LM3532_REG_BRT_B 0x76 /* zone 1 */
#define LM3532_REG_BRT_C 0x7C /* zone 2 */
Not sure how the ALS is attached in the system if it reports to the host
and the host manages
the back light or if the the ALS is connected directly to the LM3532.
Maybe the ALS zone targets need to be updated to allow a fuller range.
The LM3532 may be stuck
in a certain zone.
Probably should set up the ALS properties in the device tree.