Hi Felipe, I have made otg mode work on the omap5-uevm with help from Roger and now I wonder how to read the interface status for GUI display. On omap3/twl4030 systems we can simply read /sys/bus/platform/devices/musb-hdrc.0.auto/mode and get reports e.g. "b_peripheral", "a_host", "b_idle" etc. which can easily be translated into icons for GUI display. We have not found a similar attribute for dwc3 (except part of this information in /sys/kernel/debug/4a030000.dwc3 but mounting debugfs for GUI purposes isn't a good idea). So do you think it is possible to provide such information to /sys/devices/platform/44000000.ocp/4a020000.omap_dwc3/4a030000.dwc3? BR, Nikolaus