Re: Red Hat would like to rework / enhance numastat

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Please try out and/or review the attached BETA version of the numastat replacement, and send comments.... Thanks!

Note the code, options, etc., are very different from the previously sent nmstat program. See the attached numastat.8 man page for the current options and behavior.

Some of the new options are aimed at making this new version more useful on large systems. Here's an example showing the "pig" processes on a 32-node system:

[root@sbox]# NUMASTAT_WIDTH=60 ./numastat -czs pig

Per-node process memory usage (in MBs)
PID           Node 1 Node 4 Node 5 Node 6 Node 7 Node 8
------------  ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
286235 (pig)       0      0   2000      0      0      0
286236 (pig)       0      0      0   2000      0      0
286237 (pig)       0      0      0      0   2000      0
286238 (pig)       0      0      0      0      0   2000
286239 (pig)       0      0      0      0      0      0
286240 (pig)       0      0      0      0      0      0
286241 (pig)       0      0      0      0      0      0
------------  ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Total              0      0   2002   2000   2000   2000

PID           Node 9 Node 12 Node 13 Node 26 Node 31 Total
------------  ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- -----
286235 (pig)       0       0       0       1       0  2001
286236 (pig)       0       0       0       0       0  2000
286237 (pig)       0       0       0       0       0  2000
286238 (pig)       0       0       0       0       0  2000
286239 (pig)    2000       0       0       0       0  2000
286240 (pig)       0    2000       0       0       0  2000
286241 (pig)       0       0    2000       0       0  2000
------------  ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- -----
Total           2000    2000    2000       1       0 14003

On 06/05/2012 08:26 AM, Cliff Wickman wrote:
Hi Bill,

On Tue, Jun 05, 2012 at 12:01:49AM -0400, Bill Gray wrote:
Hi Cliff, and others,

I'm seeking support for us to rework numastat over the next few months
to add functionality to show more per NUMA node statistics for
applications and the general system.  See the attached program for
examples of the functionality I hope to add.  Andi seems OK with it, so
long as we  make the default behavior the same as today's script, which
we will certainly try to do.

What do people think?   Please advise.   Thanks!

That's fine with me too.
If you send the patches I'll apply them.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: numastat tool
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2012 20:45:05 +0000
From: Kleen, Andi <andi.kleen@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Bill Gray <bgray@xxxxxxxxxx>
CC: Douglas Shakshober <dshaks@xxxxxxxxxx>, Bill Burns <bburns@xxxxxxxxxx>

Assuming we make the default behavior the same, etc., what would you
think about us "enhancing" numastat to also include the functionality of
the attached code?

Sounds good. It's just a perl script today, but turning it into C should
be fine.
And better information is always good. Just default should stay to same
to not break scripts.

I don't maintain numactl anymore though, so you would need to ask
Cliff Wickman / linux-numa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: numastat tool
Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2012 16:36:23 -0400
From: Bill Gray <bgray@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: Kleen, Andi <andi.kleen@xxxxxxxxx>
CC: Douglas Shakshober <dshaks@xxxxxxxxxx>,  Bill Burns <bburns@xxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Andi,

We're working on a tool to show per-node usage of memory for
applications and the system as a whole.  We're hoping to get the tool in
RHEL 6.4.  See the attached source code -- try it out if you like.
Basically, it adds up /proc info and displays it on a per-node basis.

The tool is currently called "nmstat", but "numastat" is such a better
name....  ;-)

Assuming we make the default behavior the same, etc., what would you
think about us "enhancing" numastat to also include the functionality of
the attached code?

Please let us know your thoughts.  Thank you!

- Bill

---------- following output demonstrates nmstat showing effectiveness of
numad moving some "pig" test processes....  Hopefully email won't
horribly fold the lines ------------

# ./nmstat -V
./nmstat version: 20120412: Jun  4 2012

# ./nmstat 1

Per-node process memory usage (in MBs) for PID 1 (init):
                          Node 0         Node 1         Node 2
Node 3         Node 4         Node 5         Node 6         Node 7
                      ----------     ----------     ----------
----------     ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------
             huge           0.00           0.00           0.00
0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00           0.00
             heap           0.02           0.00           0.01
0.00           0.10           0.00           0.01           0.02
            stack           0.00           0.00           0.00
0.00           0.01           0.00           0.00           0.00
          private           0.70           0.00           0.00
0.01           0.63           0.00           0.00           0.02
            total           0.72           0.00           0.01
0.01           0.74           0.00           0.01           0.04

# ./nmstat -n pig

Per-node process memory usage (in MBs):
           PID            Node 0         Node 1         Node 2
Node 3         Node 4         Node 5         Node 6         Node 7
       ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------
----------     ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------
      22075 (pig)           0.08        2998.34           0.00
0.00           0.10           0.00        1002.20        1000.00
      22076 (pig)        1000.04           0.11        2001.92
0.00         998.19           0.00        1000.13           0.00
      22077 (pig)           0.04        1001.96           0.00
2000.07         998.19           0.00           0.13        1000.00
      22078 (pig)        1000.04           0.11        2003.71
998.15           0.09        1000.00           0.13           0.00
      22079 (pig)        1001.89           0.14           0.00
0.00        1000.04        2001.89           0.13         998.15

# numad -S 0 -p 22075 -p 22076 -p 22077  { this tool moves processes
around for NUMA affinity }

...  a minute passes ....

# numad -i0   { turn off numad }

# ./nmstat -n pig

Per-node process memory usage (in MBs):
           PID            Node 0         Node 1         Node 2
Node 3         Node 4         Node 5         Node 6         Node 7
       ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------
----------     ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------
      22075 (pig)           0.00        5000.43           0.00
0.00           0.00           0.00           0.29           0.00
      22076 (pig)           0.00           0.00           0.00
0.00           0.00           0.00        5000.39           0.00
      22077 (pig)           0.00           0.00           0.00
5000.10           0.00           0.00           0.29           0.00
      22078 (pig)        1000.00           0.03        2003.71
998.15           0.06        1000.00           0.29           0.00
      22079 (pig)        1001.86           0.05           0.00
0.00        1000.00        2001.89           0.29         998.15


numastat - NUMA monitoring tool to show per-node usage of memory
Copyright (C) 2012 Bill Gray (bgray@xxxxxxxxxx), Red Hat Inc

numastat is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; version 2.1.

numastat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should find a copy of v2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License
somewhere on your Linux system; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA



Historical note: From approximately 2003 to 2012, numastat was a perl script
written by Andi Kleen to display the /sys/devices/system/node/node<N>/numastat
statistics. In 2012, numastat was rewritten as a C program by Red Hat to
display per-node memory data for applications and the system in general,
while also remaining strictly compatible by default with the original numastat.
A copy of the original numastat perl script is included for reference at the
end of this file.


// Compile with: gcc -O -std=gnu99 -Wall -o numastat numastat.c 

#define __USE_MISC
#include <ctype.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define STRINGIZE(s) #s

#define KILOBYTE (1024)
#define MEGABYTE (1024 * 1024)

#define BUF_SIZE 2048
#define SMALL_BUF_SIZE 128

// Don't assume nodes are sequential or contiguous.
// Need to discover and map node numbers.

int *node_ix_map = NULL;
char **node_header;

// Structure to organize memory info from /proc/<PID>/numa_maps for a specific
// process, or from /sys/devices/system/node/node?/meminfo for system-wide
// data. Tables are defined below for each process and for system-wide data.

typedef struct meminfo {
    int index;
    char *token;
    char *label;
} meminfo_t, *meminfo_p;


meminfo_t process_meminfo[] = {
    { PROCESS_HUGE_INDEX,    "huge", "Huge" },
    {         1,             "heap", "Heap" },
    {         2,             "stack", "Stack" },
    { PROCESS_PRIVATE_INDEX, "N", "Private" }
#define PROCESS_MEMINFO_ROWS (sizeof(process_meminfo) / sizeof(process_meminfo[0]))

meminfo_t numastat_meminfo[] = {
    { 0, "numa_hit", "Numa_Hit" },
    { 1, "numa_miss", "Numa_Miss" },
    { 2, "numa_foreign", "Numa_Foreign" },
    { 3, "interleave_hit", "Interleave_Hit" },
    { 4, "local_node", "Local_Node" },
    { 5, "other_node", "Other_Node" },
#define NUMASTAT_MEMINFO_ROWS (sizeof(numastat_meminfo) / sizeof(numastat_meminfo[0]))

meminfo_t system_meminfo[] = {
    {  0, "MemTotal", "MemTotal" },
    {  1, "MemFree", "MemFree" },
    {  2, "MemUsed", "MemUsed" },
    {  3, "HighTotal", "HighTotal" },
    {  4, "HighFree", "HighFree" },
    {  5, "LowTotal", "LowTotal" },
    {  6, "LowFree", "LowFree" },
    {  7, "Active", "Active" },
    {  8, "Inactive", "Inactive" },
    {  9, "Active(anon)", "Active(anon)" },
    { 10, "Inactive(anon)", "Inactive(anon)" },
    { 11, "Active(file)", "Active(file)" },
    { 12, "Inactive(file)", "Inactive(file)" },
    { 13, "Unevictable", "Unevictable" },
    { 14, "Mlocked", "Mlocked" },
    { 15, "Dirty", "Dirty" },
    { 16, "Writeback", "Writeback" },
    { 17, "FilePages", "FilePages" },
    { 18, "Mapped", "Mapped" },
    { 19, "AnonPages", "AnonPages" },
    { 20, "Shmem", "Shmem" },
    { 21, "KernelStack", "KernelStack" },
    { 22, "PageTables", "PageTables" },
    { 23, "NFS_Unstable", "NFS_Unstable" },
    { 24, "Bounce", "Bounce" },
    { 25, "WritebackTmp", "WritebackTmp" },
    { 26, "Slab", "Slab" },
    { 27, "SReclaimable", "SReclaimable" },
    { 28, "SUnreclaim", "SUnreclaim" },
    { 29, "AnonHugePages", "AnonHugePages" },
    { 30, "HugePages_Total", "HugePages_Total" },
    { 31, "HugePages_Free", "HugePages_Free" },
    { 32, "HugePages_Surp", "HugePages_Surp" }
#define SYSTEM_MEMINFO_ROWS (sizeof(system_meminfo) / sizeof(system_meminfo[0]))

// To allow re-ordering the meminfo memory categories in system_meminfo and
// numastat_meminfo relative to order in /proc, etc., a simple hash index is
// used to look up the meminfo categories. The allocated hash table size must
// be bigger than necessary to reduce collisions (and because these specific
// hash algorithms depend on having some unused buckets.

#define HASH_TABLE_SIZE 151
int hash_collisions = 0;

struct hash_entry {
    char *name;
    int index;
} hash_table[HASH_TABLE_SIZE];

void init_hash_table() {
    memset(hash_table, 0, sizeof(hash_table));

int hash_ix(char *s) {
    unsigned int h = 17;
    while (*s) {
        // h * 33 + *s++
        h = ((h << 5) + h) + *s++;
    return (h % HASH_TABLE_SIZE);

int hash_lookup(char *s) {
    int ix = hash_ix(s);
    while (hash_table[ix].name) { // Assumes big table with blank entries
        if (!strcmp(s, hash_table[ix].name)) {
            return hash_table[ix].index;  // found it
        ix += 1;
        if (ix >= HASH_TABLE_SIZE) {
            ix = 0;
    return -1;

int hash_insert(char *s, int i) {
    int ix = hash_ix(s);
    while (hash_table[ix].name) { // assumes no duplicate entries
        hash_collisions += 1;
        ix += 1;
        if (ix >= HASH_TABLE_SIZE) {
            ix = 0;
    hash_table[ix].name = s;
    hash_table[ix].index = i;
    return ix;

// To decouple details of table display (e.g. column width, line folding for
// display screen width, et cetera) from acquiring the data and populating the
// tables, this semi-general table handling code is used.  There are various
// routines to set table attributes, assign and test some cell contents,
// initialize and actually display the table.

#define CELL_TYPE_NULL     0
#define CELL_TYPE_LONG     1
#define CELL_TYPE_DOUBLE   2
#define CELL_TYPE_STRING   3
#define CELL_TYPE_CHAR8    4

#define CELL_FLAG_FREEABLE (1 << 0)
#define CELL_FLAG_ROWSPAN  (1 << 1)
#define CELL_FLAG_COLSPAN  (1 << 2)

#define COL_JUSTIFY_LEFT       (1 << 0)
#define COL_JUSTIFY_RIGHT      (1 << 1)
#define COL_JUSTIFY_CENTER     3
#define COL_JUSTIFY_MASK       0x3
#define COL_FLAG_SEEN_DATA     (1 << 2)
#define COL_FLAG_NON_ZERO_DATA (1 << 3)
#define COL_FLAG_ALWAYS_SHOW   (1 << 4)


typedef struct cell {
    uint32_t type;
    uint32_t flags;
    union {
      char *s;
      double d;
      int64_t l;
      char c[8];
} cell_t, *cell_p;

typedef struct vtab {
    int header_rows;
    int header_cols;
    int data_rows;
    int data_cols;
    cell_p cell;
    int *row_ix_map;
    uint8_t *row_flags;
    uint8_t *col_flags;
    uint8_t *col_width;
    uint8_t *col_decimal_places;
} vtab_t, *vtab_p;

#define ALL_TABLE_ROWS (table->header_rows + table->data_rows)
#define ALL_TABLE_COLS (table->header_cols + table->data_cols)
#define GET_CELL_PTR(row, col) (&table->cell[(row * ALL_TABLE_COLS) + col])


void set_row_flag(vtab_p table, int row, int flag) { table->row_flags[row] |= (uint8_t)flag; } 
void set_col_flag(vtab_p table, int col, int flag) { table->col_flags[col] |= (uint8_t)flag; }

void clear_row_flag(vtab_p table, int row, int flag) { table->row_flags[row] &= (uint8_t)~flag; } 
void clear_col_flag(vtab_p table, int col, int flag) { table->col_flags[col] &= (uint8_t)~flag; }

int test_row_flag(vtab_p table, int row, int flag) { return ((table->row_flags[row] & (uint8_t)flag) != 0); } 
int test_col_flag(vtab_p table, int col, int flag) { return ((table->col_flags[col] & (uint8_t)flag) != 0); }

void set_col_justification(vtab_p table, int col, int justify) {
    table->col_flags[col] &= (uint8_t)~COL_JUSTIFY_MASK;
    table->col_flags[col] |= (uint8_t)(justify & COL_JUSTIFY_MASK);

void set_col_width(vtab_p table, int col, uint8_t width) {
    if (width >= SMALL_BUF_SIZE) {
        width = SMALL_BUF_SIZE - 1;
    table->col_width[col] = width;

void set_col_decimal_places(vtab_p table, int col, uint8_t places) {
    table->col_decimal_places[col] = places;

void set_cell_flag(vtab_p table, int row, int col, int flag) {
    cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
    c_ptr->flags |= (uint32_t)flag;

void clear_cell_flag(vtab_p table, int row, int col, int flag) {
    cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
    c_ptr->flags &= (uint32_t)~flag;

int test_cell_flag(vtab_p table, int row, int col, int flag) {
    cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
    return ((c_ptr->flags & (uint32_t)flag) != 0);

void string_assign(vtab_p table, int row, int col, char *s) {
    cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
    c_ptr->type = CELL_TYPE_STRING;
    c_ptr->s = s;

void repchar_assign(vtab_p table, int row, int col, char c) {
    cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
    c_ptr->type = CELL_TYPE_REPCHAR;
    c_ptr->c[0] = c;

void double_assign(vtab_p table, int row, int col, double d) {
    cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
    c_ptr->type = CELL_TYPE_DOUBLE;
    c_ptr->d = d;

void long_assign(vtab_p table, int row, int col, int64_t l) {
    cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
    c_ptr->type = CELL_TYPE_LONG;
    c_ptr->l = l;

void double_addto(vtab_p table, int row, int col, double d) {
    cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
    c_ptr->type = CELL_TYPE_DOUBLE;
    c_ptr->d += d;

void long_addto(vtab_p table, int row, int col, int64_t l) {
    cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
    c_ptr->type = CELL_TYPE_LONG;
    c_ptr->l += l;

void clear_assign(vtab_p table, int row, int col) {
    cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
    memset(c_ptr, 0, sizeof(cell_t));

void zero_table_data(vtab_p table, int type) {
    // Sets data area of table to zeros of specified type
    for (int row = table->header_rows; (row < ALL_TABLE_ROWS); row++) {
        for (int col = table->header_cols; (col < ALL_TABLE_COLS); col++) {
            cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
            memset(c_ptr, 0, sizeof(cell_t));
            c_ptr->type = type;

void sort_rows_descending_by_col(vtab_p table, int start_row, int stop_row, int col) {
    // Rearrange row_ix_map[] indices so the rows will be in
    // descending order by the value in the specified column
    for (int ix = start_row;  (ix <= stop_row);  ix++) {
        int biggest_ix = ix;
        cell_p biggest_ix_c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(table->row_ix_map[ix], col);
        for (int iy = ix + 1;  (iy <= stop_row);  iy++) {
            cell_p iy_c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(table->row_ix_map[iy], col);
            if (biggest_ix_c_ptr->d < iy_c_ptr->d) {
                biggest_ix_c_ptr = iy_c_ptr;
                biggest_ix = iy;
        if (biggest_ix != ix) {
            int tmp = table->row_ix_map[ix];
            table->row_ix_map[ix] = table->row_ix_map[biggest_ix];
            table->row_ix_map[biggest_ix] = tmp;

void span(vtab_p table, int first_row, int first_col, int last_row, int last_col) {
    // FIXME: implement row / col spannnig someday?

void init_table(vtab_p table, int header_rows, int header_cols, int data_rows, int data_cols) {
    // init table sizes
    table->header_rows = header_rows;
    table->header_cols = header_cols;
    table->data_rows = data_rows;
    table->data_cols = data_cols;
    // allocate memory for all the cells
    int alloc_size = ALL_TABLE_ROWS * ALL_TABLE_COLS * sizeof(cell_t);
    table->cell = malloc(alloc_size);
    if (table->cell == NULL) {
        perror("malloc failed line: " STRINGIFY(__LINE__));
    memset(table->cell, 0, alloc_size);
    // allocate memory for the row map vector
    alloc_size = ALL_TABLE_ROWS * sizeof(int);
    table->row_ix_map = malloc(alloc_size);
    if (table->row_ix_map == NULL) {
        perror("malloc failed line: " STRINGIFY(__LINE__));
    for (int row = 0;  (row < ALL_TABLE_ROWS);  row++) {
        table->row_ix_map[row] = row;
    // allocate memory for the row flags vector
    alloc_size = ALL_TABLE_ROWS * sizeof(uint8_t);
    table->row_flags = malloc(alloc_size);
    if (table->row_flags == NULL) {
        perror("malloc failed line: " STRINGIFY(__LINE__));
    memset(table->row_flags, 0, alloc_size);
    // allocate memory for the column flags vector
    alloc_size = ALL_TABLE_COLS * sizeof(uint8_t);
    table->col_flags = malloc(alloc_size);
    if (table->col_flags == NULL) {
        perror("malloc failed line: " STRINGIFY(__LINE__));
    memset(table->col_flags, 0, alloc_size);
    // allocate memory for the column width vector
    alloc_size = ALL_TABLE_COLS * sizeof(uint8_t);
    table->col_width = malloc(alloc_size);
    if (table->col_width == NULL) {
        perror("malloc failed line: " STRINGIFY(__LINE__));
    memset(table->col_width, 0, alloc_size);
    // allocate memory for the column precision vector
    alloc_size = ALL_TABLE_COLS * sizeof(uint8_t);
    table->col_decimal_places = malloc(alloc_size);
    if (table->col_decimal_places == NULL) {
        perror("malloc failed line: " STRINGIFY(__LINE__));
    memset(table->col_decimal_places, 0, alloc_size);

void free_cell(vtab_p table, int row, int col) {
    cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
    if ( (c_ptr->type == CELL_TYPE_STRING)
      && (c_ptr->flags & CELL_FLAG_FREEABLE)
      && (c_ptr->s != NULL)) {
    memset(c_ptr, 0, sizeof(cell_t));

void free_table(vtab_p table) {
    if (table->cell != NULL) {
        for (int row = 0;  (row < ALL_TABLE_ROWS);  row++) {
            for (int col = 0;  (col < ALL_TABLE_COLS);  col++) {
                free_cell(table, row, col);
    if (table->row_ix_map != NULL) {
    if (table->row_flags != NULL) {
    if (table->col_flags != NULL) {
    if (table->col_width != NULL) {
    if (table->col_decimal_places != NULL) {

char *fmt_cell_data(cell_p c_ptr, int max_width, int decimal_places) {
    // Returns pointer to a static buffer, expecting caller to
    // immediately use or copy the contents before calling again.
    int rep_width = max_width - USUAL_GUTTER_WIDTH;
    static char buf[SMALL_BUF_SIZE];
    switch (c_ptr->type) {
        case CELL_TYPE_NULL:
            // strcpy(buf, "Null");
            buf[0] = '\0';
        case CELL_TYPE_LONG:
            snprintf(buf, SMALL_BUF_SIZE, "%ld", c_ptr->l);
        case CELL_TYPE_DOUBLE:
            snprintf(buf, SMALL_BUF_SIZE, "%.*f", decimal_places, c_ptr->d);
        case CELL_TYPE_STRING:
            snprintf(buf, SMALL_BUF_SIZE, "%s", c_ptr->s);
        case CELL_TYPE_CHAR8:
            strncpy(buf, c_ptr->c, 8);
            buf[8] = '\0';
        case CELL_TYPE_REPCHAR:
            memset(buf, c_ptr->c[0], rep_width);
            buf[rep_width] = '\0';
            strcpy(buf, "Unknown");
    buf[max_width] = '\0';
    return buf;

void auto_set_col_width(vtab_p table, int col, int min_width, int max_width) {
    int width = min_width;
    for (int row = 0;  (row < ALL_TABLE_ROWS);  row++) {
        cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
        if (c_ptr->type == CELL_TYPE_REPCHAR) {
        char *p = fmt_cell_data(c_ptr, max_width, (int)(table->col_decimal_places[col]));
        int l = strlen(p);
        if (width < l) {
            width = l;
    width += USUAL_GUTTER_WIDTH;
    if (width > max_width) {
        width = max_width;
    table->col_width[col] = (uint8_t)width;

void display_justified_cell(cell_p c_ptr, int row_flags, int col_flags, int width, int decimal_places) {
    char *p = fmt_cell_data(c_ptr, width, decimal_places);
    int l = strlen(p);
    char buf[SMALL_BUF_SIZE];
    switch (col_flags & COL_JUSTIFY_MASK) {
        case COL_JUSTIFY_LEFT :
            memcpy(buf, p, l);
            if (l < width) {
                memset(&buf[l], ' ', width - l);
        case COL_JUSTIFY_RIGHT :
            if (l < width) {
                memset(buf, ' ', width - l);
            memcpy(&buf[width - l], p, l);
        case COL_JUSTIFY_CENTER :
        default  :
            memset(buf, ' ', width);
            memcpy(&buf[(width - l + 1) / 2], p, l);
    buf[width] = '\0';
    printf("%s", buf);

void display_table(vtab_p table,
                   int screen_width,
                   int show_unseen_rows,
                   int show_unseen_cols,
                   int show_zero_rows,
                   int show_zero_cols)
    // Set row and column flags according to whether data in rows and cols
    // has been assigned, and is currently non-zero.
    int some_seen_data = 0;
    int some_non_zero_data = 0;
    for (int row = table->header_rows;  (row < ALL_TABLE_ROWS);  row++) {
        for (int col = table->header_cols;  (col < ALL_TABLE_COLS);  col++) {
            cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
            // Currently, "seen data" includes not only numeric data, but also
            // any strings, etc -- anything non-NULL (other than rephcars).
            if ((c_ptr->type != CELL_TYPE_NULL) && (c_ptr->type != CELL_TYPE_REPCHAR)) {
                some_seen_data = 1;
                set_row_flag(table, row, ROW_FLAG_SEEN_DATA);
                set_col_flag(table, col, COL_FLAG_SEEN_DATA);
                // Currently, "non-zero data" includes not only numeric data,
                // but also any strings, etc -- anything non-zero (other than
                // repchars, which are already excluded above).  So, note a
                // valid non-NULL pointer to an empty string would still be
                // counted as non-zero data.
                if (c_ptr->l != (int64_t)0) {
                    some_non_zero_data = 1;
                    set_row_flag(table, row, ROW_FLAG_NON_ZERO_DATA);
                    set_col_flag(table, col, COL_FLAG_NON_ZERO_DATA);
    if (!some_seen_data) {
        printf("Table has no data.\n");
    if (!some_non_zero_data && !show_zero_rows && !show_zero_cols) {
        printf("Table has no non-zero data.\n");
    // Start with first data column and try to display table,
    // folding lines as necessary per screen_width
    int col = -1;
    int data_col = table->header_cols;
    while (data_col < ALL_TABLE_COLS) {
        // Skip data columns until we have one to display
        if ( (!test_col_flag(table, data_col, COL_FLAG_ALWAYS_SHOW)) &&
             ( ((!show_unseen_cols) && (!test_col_flag(table, data_col, COL_FLAG_SEEN_DATA))) ||
               ((!show_zero_cols)   && (!test_col_flag (table, data_col, COL_FLAG_NON_ZERO_DATA)))) ) {
            data_col += 1;
        // Display blank line between table sections
        if (col > 0) {
        // For each row, display as many columns as possible
        for (int row_ix = 0;  (row_ix < ALL_TABLE_ROWS);  row_ix++) {
            int row = table->row_ix_map[row_ix];
            // If past the header rows, conditionally skip rows
            if ((row >= table->header_rows) && (!test_row_flag(table, row, ROW_FLAG_ALWAYS_SHOW))) {
                // Optionally skip row if no data seen or if all zeros
                if ( ((!show_unseen_rows) && (!test_row_flag(table, row, ROW_FLAG_SEEN_DATA))) ||
                     ((!show_zero_rows) && (!test_row_flag(table, row, ROW_FLAG_NON_ZERO_DATA))) ) {
            // Begin a new row...
            int cur_line_width = 0;
            // All lines start with the left header columns
            for (col = 0;  (col < table->header_cols);  col++) {
                display_justified_cell(GET_CELL_PTR(row, col),
                cur_line_width += (int)(table->col_width[col]);
            // Reset column index to starting data column for each new row
            col = data_col;
            // Try to display as many data columns as possible in every section
            for (;;) {
                // See if we should print this column
                if (test_col_flag(table, col, COL_FLAG_ALWAYS_SHOW) ||
                    (((show_unseen_cols) || (test_col_flag(table, col, COL_FLAG_SEEN_DATA))) &&
                     ((show_zero_cols)   || (test_col_flag(table, col, COL_FLAG_NON_ZERO_DATA)))) ) {
                    display_justified_cell(GET_CELL_PTR(row, col),
                    cur_line_width += (int)(table->col_width[col]);
                col += 1;
                // End the line if no more columns or next column would exceed screen width
                if ( (col >= ALL_TABLE_COLS) ||
                     ((cur_line_width + (int)(table->col_width[col])) > screen_width) ) {
        // Remember next starting data column for next section
        data_col = col;

int verbose = 0;
int num_pids = 0;
int num_nodes = 0;
int screen_width = 0;
int show_zero_data = 1;
int compress_display = 0;
int sort_table = 0;
int sort_table_node = -1;
int compatibility_mode = 0;
int pid_array_max_pids = 0;
int *pid_array = NULL;
char *prog_name = NULL;
double page_size_in_bytes = 0;
double huge_page_size_in_bytes = 0;

void display_version_and_exit() {
    char *version_string = "20120821";
    printf("%s version: %s: %s\n", prog_name, version_string, __DATE__);

void display_usage_and_exit() {
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-c] [-m] [-n] [-p <PID>|<pattern>] [-s[<node>]] [-v] [-V] [-z] [ <PID>|<pattern>... ]\n", prog_name);
    fprintf(stderr, "-c to minimize column widths\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "-m to show meminfo-like system-wide memory usage\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "-n to show the numastat statistics info\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "-p <PID>|<pattern> to show process info\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "-s[<node>] to sort data by total column or <node>\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "-v to make some reports more verbose\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "-V to show the %s code version\n", prog_name);
    fprintf(stderr, "-z to skip rows and columns of zeros\n");

int get_screen_width() {
    int width = 80;
    char *p = getenv("NUMASTAT_WIDTH");
    if (p != NULL) {
        width = atoi(p);
        if ((width < 1) || (width > 10000000)) {
            width = 80;
    } else if (isatty(fileno(stdout))) {
        FILE *fs = popen("resize 2>/dev/null", "r");
        if (fs != NULL) {
            char columns[72];
            fgets(columns, sizeof(columns), fs);
            if (strncmp(columns, "COLUMNS=", 8) == 0) {
                width = atoi(&columns[8]);
                if ((width < 1) || (width > 10000000)) {
                    width = 80;
    } else {
        // Not a tty, so allow a really long line
        width = 10000000;
    if (width < 32) {
        width = 32;
    return width;

char *command_name_for_pid(int pid) {
    // Get the PID command name field from /proc/PID/status file.  Return
    // pointer to a static buffer, expecting caller to immediately copy result.
    static char buf[SMALL_BUF_SIZE];
    char fname[64];
    snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "/proc/%d/status", pid);
    FILE *fs = fopen(fname, "r");
    if (!fs) {
        return NULL;
    } else {
        while (fgets(buf, SMALL_BUF_SIZE, fs)) {
            if (strstr(buf, "Name:") == buf) {
                char *p = &buf[5];
                while (isspace(*p)) {
                if (p[strlen(p) - 1] == '\n') {
                    p[strlen(p) - 1] = '\0';
                return p;
    return NULL;

void show_info_from_system_file(char *file, meminfo_p meminfo, int meminfo_rows, int tok_offset) {
    // Setup and init table
    vtab_t table;
    int header_rows = 2 - compatibility_mode;
    int header_cols = 1;
    // Add an extra data column for a total column
    init_table(&table, header_rows, header_cols, meminfo_rows, num_nodes + 1);
    int total_col_ix = header_cols + num_nodes;
    // Insert token mapping in hash table and assign left header column label for each row in table
    for (int row = 0;  (row < meminfo_rows);  row++) {
        hash_insert(meminfo[row].token, meminfo[row].index);
        if (compatibility_mode) {
            string_assign(&table, (header_rows + row), 0, meminfo[row].token);
        } else {
            string_assign(&table, (header_rows + row), 0, meminfo[row].label);
    // printf("There are %d table hash collisions.\n", hash_collisions);
    // Set left header column width and left justify it
    set_col_width(&table, 0, 16);
    set_col_justification(&table, 0, COL_JUSTIFY_LEFT);
    // Open /sys/devices/system/node/node?/<file> for each node and store data
    // in table.  If not compatibility_mode, do approximately first third of
    // this loop also for (node_ix == num_nodes) to get "Total" column header.
    for (int node_ix = 0;  (node_ix < (num_nodes + (1 - compatibility_mode)));  node_ix++) {
        int col = header_cols + node_ix;
        // Assign header row label and horizontal line for this column...
        string_assign(&table, 0, col, node_header[node_ix]);
        if (!compatibility_mode) {
            repchar_assign(&table, 1, col, '-');
            int decimal_places = 2;
            if (compress_display) {
                decimal_places = 0;
            set_col_decimal_places(&table, col, decimal_places);
        // Set column width and right justify data
        set_col_width(&table, col, 16);
        set_col_justification(&table, col, COL_JUSTIFY_RIGHT);
        if (node_ix == num_nodes) {
        // Open /sys/.../node<N>/numstast file for this node...
        char buf[SMALL_BUF_SIZE];
        char fname[64];
        snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "/sys/devices/system/node/node%d/%s", node_ix_map[node_ix], file);
        FILE *fs = fopen(fname, "r");
        if (!fs) {
            sprintf(buf, "cannot open %s", fname);
        // Get table values for this node...
        while (fgets(buf, SMALL_BUF_SIZE, fs)) {
            char *tok[64];
            int tokens = 0;
            const char *delimiters = " \t\r\n:";
            char *p = strtok(buf, delimiters);
            if (p == NULL) {
                continue; // Skip blank lines;
            while (p) {
                tok[tokens++] = p;
                p = strtok(NULL, delimiters);
            // example line from numastat file: "numa_miss 16463"
            // example line from meminfo  file: "Node 3 Inactive:  210680 kB"
            int index = hash_lookup(tok[0 + tok_offset]);
            if (index < 0) {
                printf("Token %s not in hash table.\n", tok[0]);
            } else {
                double value = (double)atol(tok[1 + tok_offset]);
                if (!compatibility_mode) {
                    double multiplier = 1.0;
                    if (tokens < 5) {
                        multiplier = page_size_in_bytes;
                    } else if (!strncmp("HugePages", tok[2], 9)) {
                        multiplier = huge_page_size_in_bytes;
                    } else if (!strncmp("kB", tok[4], 2)) {
                        multiplier = KILOBYTE;
                    value *= multiplier;
                    value /= (double)MEGABYTE;
                double_assign(&table, header_rows + index, col, value);
                double_addto(&table, header_rows + index, total_col_ix, value);
    // Crompress display column widths, if requested
    if (compress_display) {
        for (int col = 0;  (col < header_cols + num_nodes + 1);  col++) {
            auto_set_col_width(&table, col, 4, 16);
    // Optionally sort the table data
    if (sort_table) {
        int sort_col;
        if ((sort_table_node < 0) || (sort_table_node >= num_nodes)) {
            sort_col = total_col_ix;
        } else {
            sort_col = header_cols + node_ix_map[sort_table_node];
        sort_rows_descending_by_col(&table, header_rows, header_rows + meminfo_rows - 1, sort_col);
    // Actually display the table now, doing line-folding as necessary
    display_table(&table, screen_width, 0, 0, show_zero_data, show_zero_data);

void show_numastat_info() {
    if (!compatibility_mode) {
        printf("\nPer-node numastat info (in MBs):\n");
    show_info_from_system_file("numastat", numastat_meminfo, NUMASTAT_MEMINFO_ROWS, 0);

void show_system_info() {
    printf("\nPer-node system memory usage (in MBs):\n");
    show_info_from_system_file("meminfo", system_meminfo, SYSTEM_MEMINFO_ROWS, 2);

void show_process_info() {
    vtab_t table;
    int header_rows = 2;
    int header_cols = 1;
    int data_rows;
    int show_sub_categories = (verbose || (num_pids == 1));
    if (show_sub_categories) {
        data_rows = PROCESS_MEMINFO_ROWS;
    } else {
        data_rows = num_pids;
    // Add two extra rows for a horizontal rule followed by a total row
    // Add one extra data column for a total column
    init_table(&table, header_rows, header_cols, data_rows + 2, num_nodes + 1);
    int total_col_ix = header_cols + num_nodes;
    int total_row_ix = header_rows + data_rows + 1;
    string_assign(&table, total_row_ix, 0, "Total");
    if (show_sub_categories) {
        // Assign left header column label for each row in table
        for (int row = 0;  (row < PROCESS_MEMINFO_ROWS);  row++) {
            string_assign(&table, (header_rows + row), 0, process_meminfo[row].label);
    } else {
        string_assign(&table, 0, 0, "PID");
        repchar_assign(&table, 1, 0, '-');
        printf("\nPer-node process memory usage (in MBs)\n");
    // Set left header column width and left justify it
    set_col_width(&table, 0, 16);
    set_col_justification(&table, 0, COL_JUSTIFY_LEFT);
    // Set up "Node <N>" column headers over data columns, plus "Total" column
    for (int node_ix = 0;  (node_ix <= num_nodes);  node_ix++) {
        int col = header_cols + node_ix;
        // Assign header row label and horizontal line for this column...
        string_assign(&table, 0, col, node_header[node_ix]);
        repchar_assign(&table, 1, col, '-');
        // Set column width, decimal places, and right justify data
        set_col_width(&table, col, 16);
        int decimal_places = 2;
        if (compress_display) {
            decimal_places = 0;
        set_col_decimal_places(&table, col, decimal_places);
        set_col_justification(&table, col, COL_JUSTIFY_RIGHT);
    // Initialize data in table to all zeros 
    zero_table_data(&table, CELL_TYPE_DOUBLE);
    // If (show_sub_categories), show individual process tables for each PID,
    // Otherwise show one big table of process total lines from all the PIDs.
    for (int pid_ix = 0;  (pid_ix < num_pids);  pid_ix++) {
        int pid = pid_array[pid_ix];
        if (show_sub_categories) {
            printf("\nPer-node process memory usage (in MBs) for PID %d (%s)\n", pid, command_name_for_pid(pid));
            if (pid_ix > 0) {
                // Re-initialize show_sub_categories table, because we re-use it for each PID.
                zero_table_data(&table, CELL_TYPE_DOUBLE);
        } else {
            // Put this row's "PID (cmd)" label in left header column for this PID total row
            char tmp_buf[64];
            snprintf(tmp_buf, sizeof(tmp_buf), "%d (%s)", pid, command_name_for_pid(pid));
            char *p = strdup(tmp_buf);
            if (p == NULL) {
                perror("malloc failed line: " STRINGIFY(__LINE__));
            string_assign(&table, header_rows + pid_ix, 0, p);
            set_cell_flag(&table, header_rows + pid_ix, 0, CELL_FLAG_FREEABLE);
        // Open numa_map for this PID to get per-node data
        char fname[64];
        snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "/proc/%d/numa_maps", pid);
        char buf[BUF_SIZE];
        FILE *fs = fopen(fname, "r");
        if (!fs) {
            sprintf(buf, "Can't read /proc/%d/numa_maps", pid);
        // Add up sub-category memory used from each node.  Must go line by line
        // through the numa_map figuring out which category memory, node, and the
        // amount.
        while (fgets(buf, BUF_SIZE, fs)) {
            int category = PROCESS_PRIVATE_INDEX; // init category to the catch-all...
            const char *delimiters = " \t\r\n";
            char *p = strtok(buf, delimiters);
            while (p) {
                // If the memory category for this line is still the catch-all
                // (i.e.  private), then see if the current token is a special
                // keyword for a specific memory sub-category.
                if (category == PROCESS_PRIVATE_INDEX) {
                    for (int ix = 0;  (ix < PROCESS_PRIVATE_INDEX);  ix++) {
                        if (!strncmp(p, process_meminfo[ix].token, strlen(process_meminfo[ix].token))) {
                            category = ix;
                // If the current token is a per-node pages quantity, parse the
                // node number and accumulate the number of pages in the specific
                // category (and also add to the total).
                if (p[0] == 'N') {
                    int node_num = (int)strtol(&p[1], &p, 10);
                    if (p[0] != '=') {
                        perror("node value parse error");
                    double value = (double)strtol(&p[1], &p, 10);
                    double multiplier = page_size_in_bytes;
                    if (category == PROCESS_HUGE_INDEX) {
                        multiplier = huge_page_size_in_bytes;
                    value *= multiplier;
                    value /= (double)MEGABYTE;
                    // Add value to data cell, total_col, and total_row
                    int tmp_row;
                    if (show_sub_categories) {
                        tmp_row = header_rows + category;
                    } else {
                        tmp_row = header_rows + pid_ix;
                    int tmp_col = header_cols + node_num;
                    double_addto(&table, tmp_row, tmp_col, value);
                    double_addto(&table, tmp_row, total_col_ix, value);
                    double_addto(&table, total_row_ix, tmp_col, value);
                    double_addto(&table, total_row_ix, total_col_ix, value);
                // Get next token on the line
                p = strtok(NULL, delimiters);
        // Currently, a non-root user can open some numa_map files successfully
        // without error, but can't actually read the contents -- despite the
        // 444 file permissions.  So, use ferror() to check here to see if we
        // actually got a read error, and if so, alert the user so they know
        // not to trust the zero in the table.
        if (ferror(fs)) {
            sprintf(buf, "Can't read /proc/%d/numa_maps", pid);
        // If showing individual tables, or we just added the last total line,
        // prepare the table for display and display it...
        if ((show_sub_categories) || (pid_ix + 1 == num_pids)) {
            // Crompress display column widths, if requested
            if (compress_display) {
                for (int col = 0;  (col < header_cols + num_nodes + 1);  col++) {
                    auto_set_col_width(&table, col, 4, 16);
            } else {
                // Since not compressing the display, allow the left header
                // column to be wider.  Otherwise, sometimes process command
                // name instance numbers can be truncated in an annoying way.
                auto_set_col_width(&table, 0, 16, 24);
            // Put dashes above Total line...
            set_row_flag(&table, total_row_ix - 1, COL_FLAG_ALWAYS_SHOW);
            for (int col = 0;  (col < header_cols + num_nodes + 1);  col++) {
                repchar_assign(&table, total_row_ix - 1, col, '-');
            // Optionally sort the table data
            if (sort_table) {
                int sort_col;
                if ((sort_table_node < 0) || (sort_table_node >= num_nodes)) {
                    sort_col = total_col_ix;
                } else {
                    sort_col = header_cols + node_ix_map[sort_table_node];
                sort_rows_descending_by_col(&table, header_rows, header_rows + data_rows - 1, sort_col);
            // Actually show the table
            display_table(&table, screen_width, 0, 0, show_zero_data, show_zero_data);
    }   // END OF FOR_EACH-PID loop
}  // show_process_info()

int node_and_digits(const struct dirent *dptr) {
    char *p = (char *)(dptr->d_name);
    if (*p++ != 'n') return 0;
    if (*p++ != 'o') return 0;
    if (*p++ != 'd') return 0;
    if (*p++ != 'e') return 0;
    do {
        if (!isdigit(*p++)) return 0;
    } while (*p != '\0');
    return 1;

void init_node_ix_map_and_header(int compatibility_mode) {
    // Count directory names of the form: /sys/devices/system/node/node<N>
    struct dirent **namelist;
    num_nodes = scandir ("/sys/devices/system/node", &namelist, node_and_digits, NULL);
    if (num_nodes < 1) {
        if (compatibility_mode) {
            perror("sysfs not mounted or system not NUMA aware");
        } else {
            perror("Couldn't open /sys/devices/system/node");
    } else {
        node_ix_map = malloc(num_nodes * sizeof(int));
        if (node_ix_map == NULL) {
            perror("malloc failed line: " STRINGIFY(__LINE__));
        // For each "node<N>" filename present, save <N> in node_ix_map
        for (int ix = 0;  (ix < num_nodes);  ix++) {
            node_ix_map[ix] = atoi(&namelist[ix]->d_name[4]);
        // Now, sort the node map in increasing order. Use a simplistic sort
        // since we expect a relatively short (and maybe pre-ordered) list.
        for (int ix = 0;  (ix < num_nodes);  ix++) {
            int smallest_ix = ix;
            for (int iy = ix + 1;  (iy < num_nodes);  iy++) {
                if (node_ix_map[smallest_ix] > node_ix_map[iy]) {
                    smallest_ix = iy;
            if (smallest_ix != ix) {
                int tmp = node_ix_map[ix];
                node_ix_map[ix] = node_ix_map[smallest_ix];
                node_ix_map[smallest_ix] = tmp;
        // Construct vector of "Node <N>" and "Total" column headers. Allocate
        // one for each NUMA node, plus one on the end for the "Total" column
        node_header = malloc((num_nodes + 1) * sizeof(char *));
        if (node_header == NULL) {
            perror("malloc failed line: " STRINGIFY(__LINE__));
        for (int node_ix = 0;  (node_ix <= num_nodes);  node_ix++) {
            char node_label[64];
            if (node_ix == num_nodes) {
                strcpy(node_label, "Total");
            } else if (compatibility_mode) {
                snprintf(node_label, sizeof(node_label), "node%d", node_ix_map[node_ix]);
            } else {
                snprintf(node_label, sizeof(node_label), "Node %d", node_ix_map[node_ix]);
            char *s = strdup(node_label);
            if (s == NULL) {
                perror("malloc failed line: " STRINGIFY(__LINE__));
            node_header[node_ix] = s;

void free_node_ix_map_and_header() {
    if (node_ix_map != NULL) {
        node_ix_map = NULL;
    if (node_header != NULL) {
        for (int ix = 0;  (ix <= num_nodes);  ix++) {
        node_header = NULL;

double get_huge_page_size_in_bytes() {
    double huge_page_size = 0;;
    FILE *fs = fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r");
    if (!fs) {
        perror("Can't open /proc/meminfo");
    char buf[SMALL_BUF_SIZE];
    while (fgets(buf, SMALL_BUF_SIZE, fs)) {
        if (!strncmp("Hugepagesize", buf, 12)) {
            char *p = &buf[12];
            while ((!isdigit(*p)) && (p < buf + SMALL_BUF_SIZE)) {
            huge_page_size = strtod(p, NULL);
    return huge_page_size * KILOBYTE;

int all_digits(char *p) {
    if (p == NULL) {
        return 0;
    while (*p != '\0') {
        if (!isdigit(*p++)) return 0;
    return 1;

int starts_with_digit(const struct dirent *dptr) {
    return (isdigit(dptr->d_name[0]));

void add_pid_to_list(int pid) {
    if (num_pids < pid_array_max_pids) {
        pid_array[num_pids++] = pid;
    } else {
        if (pid_array_max_pids == 0) {
            pid_array_max_pids = 32;
        int *tmp_int_ptr = realloc(pid_array, 2 * pid_array_max_pids * sizeof(int));
        if (tmp_int_ptr == NULL) {
            char buf[SMALL_BUF_SIZE];
            sprintf(buf, "Too many PIDs, skipping %d", pid);
        } else {
            pid_array = tmp_int_ptr;
            pid_array_max_pids *= 2;
            pid_array[num_pids++] = pid;

int ascending(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
    return *(int *)p1 - *(int *)p2;

void sort_pids_and_remove_duplicates() {
    if (num_pids > 1) {
        qsort(pid_array, num_pids, sizeof(int), ascending);
        int ix1 = 0;
        for (int ix2 = 1;  (ix2 < num_pids);  ix2++) {
            if (pid_array[ix2] == pid_array[ix1]) {
            ix1 += 1;
            if (ix2 > ix1) {
                pid_array[ix1] = pid_array[ix2];
        num_pids = ix1 + 1;

void add_pids_from_pattern_search(char *pattern) {
    // Search all /proc/<PID>/cmdline files and /proc/<PID>/status:Name fields
    // for matching patterns.  Show the memory details for matching PIDs.
    int num_matches_found = 0;
    struct dirent **namelist;
    int files = scandir ("/proc", &namelist, starts_with_digit, NULL);
    if (files < 0) {
        perror("Couldn't open /proc");
    for (int ix = 0;  (ix < files);  ix++) {
        char buf[BUF_SIZE];
        // First get Name field from status file
        int pid = atoi(namelist[ix]->d_name);
        char *p = command_name_for_pid(pid);
        if (p) {
            strcpy(buf, p); 
        } else {
            buf[0] = '\0';
        // Next copy cmdline file contents onto end of buffer.  Do it a
        // character at a time to convert nulls to spaces.
        char fname[64];
        snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "/proc/%s/cmdline", namelist[ix]->d_name);
        FILE *fs = fopen(fname, "r");
        if (fs) {
            p = buf;
            while (*p != '\0') {
            *p++ = ' ';
            int c;
            while (((c = fgetc(fs)) != EOF) && (p < buf + BUF_SIZE - 1)) {
                if (c == '\0') {
                    c = ' ';
                *p++ = c;
            *p++ = '\0';
        if (strstr(buf, pattern)) {
            if (pid != getpid()) {
                num_matches_found += 1;
    if (num_matches_found == 0) {
        printf("Found no processes containing pattern: \"%s\"\n", pattern);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    prog_name = argv[0];
    int show_the_system_info = 0;
    int show_the_numastat_info = 0;
    static struct option long_options[] = {
        {"help", 0, 0, '?'},
        {0, 0, 0, 0}
    int long_option_index = 0;
    int opt;
    while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "cmnp:s::vVz?", long_options, &long_option_index)) != -1) {
        switch (opt) {
	case 0:
	    printf("Unexpected long option %s", long_options[long_option_index].name);
	    if (optarg) {
		printf(" with arg %s", optarg);
        case 'c':
            compress_display = 1;
        case 'm':
            show_the_system_info = 1;
        case 'n':
            show_the_numastat_info = 1;
        case 'p':
            if ((optarg) && (all_digits(optarg))) {
            } else {
        case 's':
            sort_table = 1;
            if ((optarg) && (all_digits(optarg))) {
		sort_table_node = atoi(optarg);
        case 'v':
            verbose = 1;
        case 'V':
        case 'z':
            show_zero_data = 0;
	case '?':
    // Figure out the display width, which is used to format the tables
    // and limit the output columns per row
    screen_width = get_screen_width();
    // Any remaining arguments are assumed to be additional process specifiers
    while (optind < argc) {
        if (all_digits(argv[optind])) {
        } else {
        optind += 1;
    // If there are no program options or arguments, be extremely compatible
    // with the old numastat perl script (which is included at the end of this
    // file for reference)
    compatibility_mode = (argc == 1);
    init_node_ix_map_and_header(compatibility_mode);  // enumarate the NUMA nodes
    if (compatibility_mode) {
    // Figure out page sizes
    page_size_in_bytes = (double)sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
    huge_page_size_in_bytes = get_huge_page_size_in_bytes();
    // Display the info for the process specifiers
    if (num_pids > 0) {
    if (pid_array != NULL) {
    // Display the system-wide memory usage info
    if (show_the_system_info) {
    // Display the numastat statistics info
    if ((show_the_numastat_info) || ((num_pids == 0) && (!show_the_system_info))) {

#if 0

# Print numa statistics for all nodes
# Copyright (C) 2003,2004 Andi Kleen, SuSE Labs.
# numastat is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version
# 2.
# numastat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.

# You should find a copy of v2 of the GNU General Public License somewhere
# on your Linux system; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 
# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Example: NUMASTAT_WIDTH=80 watch -n1 numastat

# output width
if (defined($ENV{'NUMASTAT_WIDTH'})) {
} else { 
	use POSIX; 
	if (POSIX::isatty(fileno(STDOUT))) { 
		if (open(R, "resize |")) { 
			while (<R>) { 
				$WIDTH=$1 if /COLUMNS=(\d+)/;
			close R;
	} else { 
		# don't split it up for easier parsing
$WIDTH = 32 if $WIDTH < 32; 

if (! -d "/sys/devices/system/node" ) { 
	print STDERR "sysfs not mounted or system not NUMA aware\n";
	exit 1;

%stat = (); 
$title = ""; 
$mode = 0;
opendir(NODES, "/sys/devices/system/node") || exit 1;
foreach $nd (readdir(NODES)) { 
	next unless $nd =~ /node(\d+)/; 
	# On newer kernels, readdir may enumerate the 'node(\d+) subdirs
	# in opposite order from older kernels--e.g., node{0,1,2,...}
	# as opposed to node{N,N-1,N-2,...}.  Accomodate this by
	# switching to new mode so that the stats get emitted in
	# the same order.
        #print "readdir(NODES) returns $nd\n";
	if (!$title && $nd =~ /node0/) {
		$mode = 1;
	open(STAT, "/sys/devices/system/node/$nd/numastat") || 
			die "cannot open $nd: $!\n"; 
	if (! $mode) {
		$title = sprintf("%16s",$nd) . $title;
	} else {
		$title = $title . sprintf("%16s",$nd);
	@fields = ();
	while (<STAT>) { 
		($name, $val) = split;
		if (! $mode) {
			$stat{$name} = sprintf("%16u", $val) . $stat{$name};
		} else {
			$stat{$name} = $stat{$name} . sprintf("%16u", $val);
		push(@fields, $name); 
	close STAT; 
closedir NODES;

$numfields = int(($WIDTH - 16) / 16);
$l = 16 * $numfields;
for ($i = 0; $i < length($title); $i += $l) { 
	print "\n" if $i > 0; 
	printf "%16s%s\n","",substr($title,$i,$l); 
	foreach (@fields) { 
		printf "%-16s%s\n",$_,substr($stat{$_},$i,$l);


Attachment: numastat.8
Description: Unix manual page

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