Hello list, lscp's "-g, --show-increment" option seems to give misleading number of appended blocks, significantly under-counting disk usage. i expected the sum total of increments, plus the full size of the first checkpoint, multiplied by block size (4096 in my case) to be equal to total used disk space (or slightly below it, due to partly used segments). and while the size of each checkpoint is indeed roughly equal to disk use by that checkpoint, the sum of increments significantly undercounts disk space usage. am i using it wrong, or is it bugged? using latest kernel and long-running filesystems example from one of my computers: 170GB calculated vs 356GB actual use Nr checkpoints: 49477 Oldest checkpoint used space [MB]: 141903 Computed sum increments used space [MB]: 28777 Computed sum total used space [MB]: 170680 Actual used space reported by df -m [MB]: 354072 example from another of my computers: 34GB calculated vs 119GB actual use Nr checkpoints: 2368 Oldest checkpoint used space [MB]: 27520 Computed sum increments used space [MB]: 6813 Computed sum total used space [MB]: 34334 Actual used space reported by df -m [MB]: 119040 repro script: #!/bin/sh fs=`df . | awk 'NR==2 {print $1}'` lscp $fs | awk 'END {print "Nr checkpoints: " NR-1}' lscp --all $fs | awk 'NR==2 {print $6}' | awk '{printf("Oldest checkpoint used space [MB]: %15d\n", ($1*4096)/1024/1024)}' lscp --all --show-increment $fs | head -n-1 | awk 'NR>2 {sum=sum+$6} END {print sum}' | awk '{printf("Computed sum increments used space [MB]: %9d\n", ($1*4096)/1024/1024)}' { lscp --all $fs | awk 'NR==2 {print $6}' lscp --all --show-increment $fs | head -n-1 | awk 'NR>2 {print $6}' } | awk '{sum=sum+$1} END { printf("Computed sum total used space [MB]: %14d\n", (sum*4096)/1024/1024)}' df -m $fs | awk 'NR==2 {printf("Actual used space reported by df -m [MB]: %8d\n", $3)}' cheers, -- dexen