Hi, steps to reproduce: * create empty filesystem, mount, ensure nilfs_cleanerd is running on it * configure the nilfs_cleanerd for protection period 3600 (seconds) * create a bunch of files * delete the files * the nilfs_cleanerd does not reclaim space, because checkpoints are protected for 3600 seconds (the expected behavior) * remove all the snapshots with rmcp * the problem: the nilfs_cleanerd still does not reclaim space -- it considers the deleted checkpoints as still protected for the duration of 3600 seconds * once 3600 seconds passes, nilfs_cleanerd normally reclaims space Expected behavior: cleanerd reclaims diskspace of deleted checkpoints regardless of protection period. Rationale: there's no user-visible way of accessing deleted checkpoints, so there is no point in keeping them 'round. tested with linux v3.0-rc4, nilfs-utils v2.0.23 Regards, -- dexen deVries [[[↓][→]]] For example, if the first thing in the file is: <?kzy irefvba="1.0" rapbqvat="ebg13"?> an XML parser will recognize that the document is stored in the traditional ROT13 encoding. (( Joe English, http://www.flightlab.com/~joe/sgml/faq-not.txt )) -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-nilfs" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html