Re: Bug : reuse same inode

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Le Thu, 10 Feb 2011 14:01:05 +0900 (JST),
Ryusuke Konishi <ryusuke@xxxxxxxx> a écrit :
> O.K. so, it seems like something happened at the checkpoint 15731
> according to your information.
> One thing wired is that the timestamp (mtime) looks to be rewinded
> at cp15731.
> >   File: « mnt/snap6/cut/f5_20110125_202053.ts(0).Xcl »
> >   Size: 6214528000	Blocks: 18446744073697366064 IO Block:
> > 4096   fichier Device: fe00h/65024d	Inode: 14
> > Links: 0 Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: ( 1000/philippe)   Gid:
> > (  100/   users) Access: 2011-01-24 01:30:02.260271565 +0100
> > Modify: 2011-01-24 01:30:02.260271565 +0100
> > Change: 2011-01-25 20:28:48.894851740 +0100
> Do you have any ideas on this timestamp ?

I pastebin all the lscp (25600 lines) at :

As you can see, there is an activity at 2011-01-24 01:30:02.              
14442  2011-01-24 01:29:56   cp    -        101         11
14443  2011-01-24 01:30:00   cp    -        925         11
14444  2011-01-24 01:30:07   cp    -        625         11
14445  2011-01-25 20:20:58   cp    -        320         12
14446  2011-01-25 20:21:05   cp    -        544         12

philippe@micro11:~$ sudo mount -t nilfs2 -r -o cp=14443 /dev/mapper/vg11a-video mnt/snap4                                     
philippe@micro11:~$ sudo mount -t nilfs2 -r -o cp=14444 /dev/mapper/vg11a-video mnt/snap5
philippe@micro11:~$ sudo mount -t nilfs2 -r -o cp=14445 /dev/mapper/vg11a-video mnt/snap6
philippe@micro11:~$ ls -lid mnt/snap4/**/**                                                                                        
12 drwxr-xr-x 2 philippe users       4096 23 janv. 22:34 mnt/snap4/capture/
19 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 4957184000 24 janv. 01:29 mnt/snap4/capture/f2_20110123_223415.ts
16 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 8606489600  9 janv. 15:42 mnt/snap4/capture/f3_20110107_205154.ts
14 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 6213324800 24 janv. 01:30 mnt/snap4/capture/f3_20110123_223247.ts
15 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 4688870400 19 janv. 23:14 mnt/snap4/capture/f4_20110119_204007.ts
17 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 6545408000  9 janv. 15:45 mnt/snap4/capture/tf1hd_20101219_203305_schrek2.ts
18 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users       4434  9 janv. 15:45 mnt/snap4/channels.conf
13 drwxr-xr-x 2 philippe users       4096 23 janv. 22:31 mnt/snap4/cut/
philippe@micro11:~$ ls -lid mnt/snap5/**/**
12 drwxr-xr-x 2 philippe users       4096 23 janv. 22:34 mnt/snap5/capture/
19 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 4958387200 24 janv. 01:30 mnt/snap5/capture/f2_20110123_223415.ts
16 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 8606489600  9 janv. 15:42 mnt/snap5/capture/f3_20110107_205154.ts
14 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 6214528000 24 janv. 01:30 mnt/snap5/capture/f3_20110123_223247.ts
15 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 4688870400 19 janv. 23:14 mnt/snap5/capture/f4_20110119_204007.ts
17 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 6545408000  9 janv. 15:45 mnt/snap5/capture/tf1hd_20101219_203305_schrek2.ts
18 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users       4434  9 janv. 15:45 mnt/snap5/channels.conf
13 drwxr-xr-x 2 philippe users       4096 23 janv. 22:31 mnt/snap5/cut/
philippe@micro11:~$ ls -lid mnt/snap6/**/**
12 drwxr-xr-x 2 philippe users       4096 25 janv. 20:20 mnt/snap6/capture/
19 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 4958387200 24 janv. 01:30 mnt/snap6/capture/f2_20110123_223415.ts
16 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 8606489600  9 janv. 15:42 mnt/snap6/capture/f3_20110107_205154.ts
14 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 6214528000 24 janv. 01:30 mnt/snap6/capture/f3_20110123_223247.ts
15 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 4688870400 19 janv. 23:14 mnt/snap6/capture/f4_20110119_204007.ts
20 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users    1203200 25 janv. 20:20 mnt/snap6/capture/f5_20110125_202053.ts
17 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 6545408000  9 janv. 15:45 mnt/snap6/capture/tf1hd_20101219_203305_schrek2.ts
18 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users       4434  9 janv. 15:45 mnt/snap6/channels.conf
13 drwxr-xr-x 2 philippe users       4096 23 janv. 22:31 mnt/snap6/cut/

Interesting file is :
14 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 6214528000 24 janv. 01:30 mnt/snap5/capture/f3_20110123_223247.ts
It's the timestamp, the size (6214528000) and the inode (14) of the file of the cp15731.

For your information, at 1:30 the computer shuts down with 'at' command. Another remark : 2 files were recorded 
simultaneously (the other one is f2_20110123_223415.ts at inode 19).

This file is delete in cp 14522. I don't see any trouble after deletion :

philippe@micro11:~$ sudo mount -t nilfs2 -r -o cp=14521 /dev/mapper/vg11a-video mnt/snap1
philippe@micro11:~$ sudo mount -t nilfs2 -r -o cp=14522 /dev/mapper/vg11a-video mnt/snap2
philippe@micro11:~$ sudo mount -t nilfs2 -r -o cp=14523 /dev/mapper/vg11a-video mnt/snap3
philippe@micro11:~$ ls -lid mnt/snap1/**/**                                              
12 drwxr-xr-x 2 philippe users       4096 25 janv. 20:26 mnt/snap1/capture/
16 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 8606489600  9 janv. 15:42 mnt/snap1/capture/f3_20110107_205154.ts
14 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 6214528000 24 janv. 01:30 mnt/snap1/capture/f3_20110123_223247.ts
15 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 4688870400 19 janv. 23:14 mnt/snap1/capture/f4_20110119_204007.ts
20 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users  192512000 25 janv. 20:28 mnt/snap1/capture/f5_20110125_202053.ts
17 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 6545408000  9 janv. 15:45 mnt/snap1/capture/tf1hd_20101219_203305_schrek2.ts
18 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users       4434  9 janv. 15:45 mnt/snap1/channels.conf
13 drwxr-xr-x 2 philippe users       4096 25 janv. 20:27 mnt/snap1/cut/
21 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe  1000         48 25 janv. 20:23 mnt/snap1/cut/f2_20110123_223415.ts(0).Xcl
19 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe  1000         47 25 janv. 20:27 mnt/snap1/cut/f3_20110123_223247.ts
philippe@micro11:~$ ls -lid mnt/snap2/**/**
12 drwxr-xr-x 2 philippe users       4096 25 janv. 20:28 mnt/snap2/capture/
16 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 8606489600  9 janv. 15:42 mnt/snap2/capture/f3_20110107_205154.ts
15 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 4688870400 19 janv. 23:14 mnt/snap2/capture/f4_20110119_204007.ts
20 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users  196121600 25 janv. 20:28 mnt/snap2/capture/f5_20110125_202053.ts
17 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 6545408000  9 janv. 15:45 mnt/snap2/capture/tf1hd_20101219_203305_schrek2.ts
18 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users       4434  9 janv. 15:45 mnt/snap2/channels.conf
13 drwxr-xr-x 2 philippe users       4096 25 janv. 20:27 mnt/snap2/cut/
21 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe  1000         48 25 janv. 20:23 mnt/snap2/cut/f2_20110123_223415.ts(0).Xcl
19 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe  1000         47 25 janv. 20:27 mnt/snap2/cut/f3_20110123_223247.ts
philippe@micro11:~$ ls -lid mnt/snap3/**/**
12 drwxr-xr-x 2 philippe users       4096 25 janv. 20:28 mnt/snap3/capture/
16 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 8606489600  9 janv. 15:42 mnt/snap3/capture/f3_20110107_205154.ts
15 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 4688870400 19 janv. 23:14 mnt/snap3/capture/f4_20110119_204007.ts
20 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users  199731200 25 janv. 20:29 mnt/snap3/capture/f5_20110125_202053.ts
17 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users 6545408000  9 janv. 15:45 mnt/snap3/capture/tf1hd_20101219_203305_schrek2.ts
18 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe users       4434  9 janv. 15:45 mnt/snap3/channels.conf
13 drwxr-xr-x 2 philippe users       4096 25 janv. 20:27 mnt/snap3/cut/
21 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe  1000         48 25 janv. 20:23 mnt/snap3/cut/f2_20110123_223415.ts(0).Xcl
19 -rw-r--r-- 1 philippe  1000         47 25 janv. 20:27 mnt/snap3/cut/f3_20110123_223247.ts

Remark : 
cp 14522 is at 2011-01-25 20:29:09
like the Change timestamp: 2011-01-25 20:28:48.894851740 +0100
that appears in the cp15731. 

> Then, let's look back in a different perspective.
> As you know, the lscp command displays the total number of inodes
> (ICNT). Does it match the actual number of files and directories ?

Last line : 
5631  2011-02-07 20:27:54   cp    -         21         10

philippe@micro11:~$ find /mnt/tmp1                   

gives 10 files for me. That seems OK.

Recently I noticed this message in dmesg :
Feb  8 21:34:29 localhost kernel: nilfs_palloc_commit_free_entry: entry number 14 already freed
Feb  6 20:53:30 localhost kernel: nilfs_palloc_commit_free_entry: entry number 19 already freed
(remember inode 19 was the second file's one)

and the system hangs on umount the nilfs (slow task I presume) : 
Feb  7 22:21:50 localhost nilfs_cleanerd[1819]: shutdown
Feb  7 22:21:50 localhost kernel: nilfs_palloc_commit_free_entry: entry number 14 already freed
Feb  7 22:22:10 localhost kernel: nilfs_palloc_commit_free_entry: entry number 14 already freed
Feb  7 22:25:12 localhost -- MARK --
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: umount.nilfs2 D ffff88003f861bc0     0  2499   2498 0x00000000
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: ffff88002c2cbc28 0000000000000086 ffff88002c2cbfd8 ffff88002c2cbfd8
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: ffff88002c2cbfd8 ffff88003f861bc0 ffff88002c2cbfd8 ffff88002c2cbfd8
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: ffff88002c2cbfd8 ffff88003f861ea0 ffff88002c2cbfd8 ffff88002c2ca000
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: Call Trace:
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff810480bc>] ? finish_task_switch+0x3c/0xd0
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff813a3ca1>] ? schedule+0x381/0xaa0
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff810e62f0>] ? find_get_pages_tag+0x100/0x130
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff813a49bd>] schedule_timeout+0x2bd/0x340
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff810eea44>] ? write_cache_pages+0x114/0x4e0
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff8104ee9b>] ? check_preempt_wakeup+0x18b/0x240
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff810ee3f0>] ? __writepage+0x0/0x40
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff813a37d0>] wait_for_common+0xc0/0x160
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff8104fe00>] ? default_wake_function+0x0/0x10
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff813a3918>] wait_for_completion+0x18/0x20
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff81159333>] sync_inodes_sb+0x83/0x180
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff8115de00>] __sync_filesystem+0x80/0x90
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff8115de73>] sync_filesystem+0x43/0x60
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811373df>] generic_shutdown_super+0x2f/0x100
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811374dc>] kill_block_super+0x2c/0x50
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff81137825>] deactivate_locked_super+0x45/0x60
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811386b5>] deactivate_super+0x45/0x60
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff81151436>] mntput_no_expire+0x86/0xf0
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff81151f37>] sys_umount+0x67/0x370
Feb  7 22:27:02 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff8100bf12>] system_call_fastpath+0x16/0x1b
Feb  7 22:29:02 localhost kernel: umount.nilfs2 D ffff88003f861bc0     0  2499   2498 0x00000000

Now I don't use this filesystem. I just keep it for debug and umount if OK.


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