Jiro SEKIBA wrote:
2) Mechanical disks suffer from slow random writes (or any random
operation for that matter), too. Do the benefits of nilfs show in random
write performance on mechanical disks?
I think it may have benefits, for nilfs will write sequentially whatever
data is located before writing it. But still some tweaks might be required
to speed up compared with ordinary filsystem like ext3.
Can you quantify what those tweaks may be, and when they might become
I might choose the wrong word, but what I meant is more hack is required
to improve write performance. Not just configuration matters :(.
I understand what you meant. I just wanted to know when those hacks may
be implemented and be available for those of us interested in using
nilfs to optimize write-heavy workloads.
3) How does this affect real-world read performance if nilfs is used on
a mechanical disk? How much additional file fragmentation in absolute
terms does nilfs cause?
The data is scattered if you modified the file again and again,
but it'll be almost sequential at the creation time. So it will
affect much if files are modified frequently.
Right. So bad for certain tasks, such as databases.
Indeed. maybe /var type of directories too.
Interesting. So nilfs' suitability for write heavy loads is actually
quite limited on mechanical disks, as it isn't suitable for append-heavy
situations such as databases and logging, but for use-cases that are
write+delete heavy such as mail servers or other spool type loads it
should still be advantageous.
4) As the data gets expired, and snapshots get deleted, this will
inevitably lead to fragmentation, which will de-linearize writes as they
have to go into whatever holes are available in the data. How does this
affect nilfs write performance?
For now, my understanding, nilfs garbage collector moves the live (in use)
blocks to the end of logs, so holes are not created (it is correct?).
However, it leads another issue that garbage collector process, which is
nilfs_cleanerd, will consume the I/O. This is major I/O performance
bottle neck current implementation.
Since this moves files, it sounds like this could be a major issue for
flash media since it unnecessarily creates additional writes. Can this
be suppressed?
You can simply kill the nilfs_clearnerd after you mount the nilfs partition.
This case, of course, any garbage is reclaimed and finally end up with
disk full, even size of files don't occupy the storage size.
I don't have data for now, but it made about twice better write performance
compared with "with garbage collector".
What about enabling garbage collection, but disabling degragmentation?
De-allocating space that isn't used any more is a necessary evil, but
defragmentation is rather pointless in a lot of cases (e.g. SSDs) and
counter-productive in others (mechanical disks under heavy load). Also,
what about making the garbage collector "lazy", so that it runs either
just-in time to overwrite discarded data (worst case scenario) or runs
when the disks are idle (e.g. at ionice -c3, and even that only when
there have been no disk transactions for, some selectable number of ms)?
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