Vincent Diepeveen wrote:
1) Modern SSDs (e.g. Intel) do this logical/physical mapping
internally, so that the writes happen sequentially anyway.
Could you explain that, as far as i know modern SSD's have 8 independant
channels to do read and writes, which is why they are having that big
read and write speed and can in theory therefore support 8 threads doing
reads and writes. Each channel say using blocks of 4KB, so it's 64KB in
I'm talking about something else. I'm talking about the fact that you
can turn logical random writes into physical sequential writes by
re-mapping logical blocks to sequential physical blocks. Old, naive
flash without clever firmware was always good at sequential writes but
bad at random writes. Since fragmentation on flash doesn't matter since
there is no seek time, modern SSDs use such re-mapping to prolong flash
life, reduce the need for erasing blocks and improve random write
performance by linearizing it.
This is completely independent of the fact that you might be able to
write to the flash chips in a more parallel fashion because the disk
ASIC has the ability to use more of them simultaneously.
Does nilfs demonstrably provide additional benefits on such modern
SSDs with sensible firmware?
2) Mechanical disks suffer from slow random writes (or any random
operation for that matter), too. Do the benefits of nilfs show in
random write performance on mechanical disks?
3) How does this affect real-world read performance if nilfs is used
on a mechanical disk? How much additional file fragmentation in
absolute terms does nilfs cause?
Basically the main difference between SSD's and traditional disks is
that SSD's have a faster latency, have more than 1 channel and write
small blocks of 4KB, whereas 64KB read/writes are already real small for
a traditional disk.
Which begs the question why the traditional disks only support
multi-sector transfers of up to 16 sectors, but that's a different question.
So a file system should benefit from the special properties of a SSD to
be suited for this modern hardware.
The only actual benefit is decreased latency.
4) As the data gets expired, and snapshots get deleted, this will
inevitably lead to fragmentation, which will de-linearize writes as
they have to go into whatever holes are available in the data. How
does this affect nilfs write performance?
5) How does the specific writing amount measure against other file
systems (I'm specifically interested in comparisons vs. ext2). What I
mean by specific writing amount is for writing, say, 100,000 random
sized files, how many write operations and MBs (or sectors) of writes
are required for the exact same operation being performed on nilfs and
ext2 (e.g. as measured by vmstat -d).
Isn't ext2 a bit old?
So? The point is that it has no journal, which means fewer writes. fsck
on SSDs only takes a few minutes at most.
Of course i understand you skip ext4 as that obviously still has to get
It seems to be deemed stable enough for several distros, and will be the
default in RHEL6 in a few months' time, so that's less of a concern.
I am more interested in metrics for how much writing is required
relative to the amount of data being transferred. For example, if I am
restoring a full running system (call it 5GB) from a tar ball onto
nilfs2, ext2, ext3, btrfs, etc., I am interested in how many blocks
worth of writes actually hit the disk, and to a lesser extent how many
of those end up being merged together (since merged operations, in
theory, can cause less wear on an SSD because bigger blocks can be
handle more efficiently if erasing is required.
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