Hi, Is there any guide to install/test nfs sec=krb5? test env: krb5 server : windows active directory linux: rocky linux 9.1, already 'realm join' with sssd. 1) from redhat https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/9/html/configuring_and_using_network_file_services/securing-nfs_configuring-and-using-network-file-services Procedure Create the nfs/hostname.domain@REALM principal on the NFS server side. Create the host/hostname.domain@REALM principal on both the server and the client side. Add the corresponding keys to keytabs for the client and server. but we need more detail. 2, from isilon http://doc.isilon.com/ECS/3.3/AdminGuide/ecs_t_file_access_confgure_kerberos.html http://doc.isilon.com/ECS/3.7/AdminGuide/GUID-2018CF69-5F1E-4F3A-BA90-3659F85DE415.html more detail than redhat. but the following fail. Test registration by running. kinit -k host/<fqdn>@NFS-REALM.LOCAL host/<fqdn> will is already created when 'realm join'? host/<fqdn> is created here again, so there is some trouble? 'kinit -k nfs/<fqdn>@NFS-REALM.LOCAL' works as the document. any guide please, thanks a lot. Best Regards Wang Yugui (wangyugui@xxxxxxxxxxxx) 2023/01/22