In my company, we want to integrate pynfs as part of our python testing environment. To do this, we need a package that can be installed using pip. Currently, it is not possible to turn pynfs into a pip-installable package due to the directory structure. I have been working on a branch that introduces major changes that fix this issue With this new branch, to install the package you need to run pip install . in the root directory. For a local installation, run pip install -e . (which replaces the use_local modules). I have also updated the README with these changes. After installation, several scripts should be automatically added to the path (which is why using a virtual environment is recommended): nfs41server, nfs41testserver, nfs41testclient, nfs41proxy, showresults. I have checked these scripts and they seem to work. Please note that I have not finished making all the changes needed for nfs4.0. I could take the time to complete these changes if you think the bundle changes can be merged into master.