> On Apr 22, 2022, at 10:59 AM, crispyduck@xxxxxxxxxx wrote: > > I will try to make all the requested traces, NFS3, NFS4.1 and if a VM is okay I will also set up a FreeBSD NFS server. Someone mentioned NFSv4.0 is a "working" case, so that would be interesting to see too. > Not sure if I can do it on weekend, but Monday should work. > > I can not to 100% say that there are no such errors on FreeBSD, as I don't have the old servers running anymore, but I had this running now for years and did not see any issues (beside the usual ESXi/browser ones) when importing/exporting VMs. > > It is also not ESXi 7.2 specific, as I receive similar error on ESXi 6.7. > > What I forgot to mention is that it sometimes, worked,, maybe 1 out of 30 try's. but no clue what is different and why. > I will try to trace also one of this cases. > > I am afraid that VMware will not support here. They simply tell that a Linux Server is not supported. 🙁 > If I could I would abode ESXi, but I am somehow forced to also use it beside other hypervisors. > > I thought NFS4.1 should be NFS4.1, independent of the vendor. Theoretically that is correct. The implementations of that standard can vary and have bugs. > On the other hand this setup using NFS server as datastore is really great. NFS3, works also without any issues, but NFS4.1 session trunking makes this also useable on hosts connected with several 1G NICs. -- Chuck Lever