Hi Bruce, what's wrong with pynfs COUR2, EID50 tests? They're failing on various kernels. I got these failures on 5.11.12 (openSUSE package), 5.13.0-rc2 (mainline on openSUSE), 4.9.0 (Debian package): COUR2 st_courtesy.testLockSleepLock : FAILURE OP_OPEN should return NFS4_OK, instead got NFS4ERR_GRACE EID50 st_exchange_id.testSSV : FAILURE nfs4lib.NFS4Error: OP_EXCHANGE_ID should return NFS4_OK, instead got NFS4ERR_ENCR_ALG_UNSUPP Nothing in dmesg (tested with "rpcdebug -m nfsd -s lockd"). Or is it just my wrong setup? Kind regards, Petr