hi everyone: I met a problem about subdirectory permission when client mount this subdirectory using nfs4. For example: the contents of the /etc/exports file is /root/hh *(ro,sync,insecure,no_subtree_check) /root/hh/hh1 *(rw,sync,insecure,no_subtree_check) and the two directory permission is 777. And the parent directory's export permission is read-only, the subdirectory's export permission is read-write. Then client mount /root/hh/hh1 on /mnt/yy using nfs4. But the /mnt/yy directory only can read.If client mount /root/hh/hh1 on /mnt/yy using nfs3, the /mnt/yy can write. Who know how to solve this problem about nfs4? Thanks very much~ ?韬{.n?壏煯壄?%娝?檩?w?{.n?壏{炳w忐)韰骅w*jg?秹殠娸?G珴?⒏⒎:+v墾妛鑚豰稛??畐娻"穐殢鉂?嗁?