Hello, I'm having an unusual amount of trouble setting up Centos 6.6 as an NFS server. I have already created my exportfs file and run "chkconfig nfs on". My copy of centos is running inside a virtual bubble. The server provider has loaded the nfsd module. I run: chkconfig nfs on service rpcbind start service nfs start The final command produces: # service nfs start FATAL: Module nfsd not found. FATAL: Error running install command for nfsd Starting NFS services: [ OK ] Starting NFS quotas: [ OK ] Starting NFS mountd: [ OK ] Starting NFS daemon: [ OK ] Starting RPC idmapd: [ OK ] (I've been following the guide found here: http://openvz.org/NFS_server_inside_container which says that "module nfsd not found" is no problem.) showmount -e produces: Export list for (server): /(directory) (address) but when I try to mount mount -t nfs -v (address):/(dir) /mnt/nfs mount.nfs: timeout set for (date) mount.nfs: trying text-based options 'vers=4,addr=::1,clientaddr=::1' mount.nfs: mount(2): No such device mount.nfs: No such device Does anyone know what I need to do to get nfs working? Thank you. -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-nfs" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html