Re: [nfs-utils RFC PATCH 09/15] mountstats: Add support for -S/--since to the mountstats and ms-iostat commands

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On Nov 6, 2014, at 9:40 AM, Scott Mayhew <smayhew@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On Wed, 05 Nov 2014, Chuck Lever wrote:
>> On Nov 5, 2014, at 12:01 PM, Scott Mayhew <smayhew@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Add support for -S/--since to the mountstats and ms-iostat commands to
>>> display the delta between a previous copy of /proc/self/mountstats and
>>> the current /proc/self/mountstats file.  Can be combined with the -f
>>> option to show the statistics between two different points in time.
>> This is exactly what ?start and ?send were supposed to do.
>> Why not use use them?
> The help output for --start and --end didn't show arguments, so I was
> under the impression that these were something you'd use on the same
> system where the stats are being generated (as opposed to capturing the
> raw data so you can generate the output on some other system).

Why can’t you just copy /proc/self/mountstats to a permanent file?

> Plus I was thinking that a neat use for --start and --end would be to
> use those with an interval to capture periodic stats that could be then
> used to generate line graphs.  But I guess that could just as easily be
> done with cp or cat in cron job or a shell loop.

That was the original purpose.

> Finally I was mimicking the -S/--since option from nfsstat.c.

Then, sounds like there’s precedent for -S.

>>> Signed-off-by: Scott Mayhew <smayhew@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>> ---
>>> tools/mountstats/ | 61 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
>>> 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/tools/mountstats/ b/tools/mountstats/
>>> index 23def92..b3231b2 100755
>>> --- a/tools/mountstats/
>>> +++ b/tools/mountstats/
>>> @@ -562,13 +562,28 @@ def print_mountstats_help(name):
>>>    print('  --rpc        display only the RPC statistics')
>>>    print('  --start      sample and save statistics')
>>>    print('  --end        resample statistics and compare them with saved')
>>> +    print('  --since <file> shows difference between current stats and those in \'file\'')
>>>    print()
>>> +def print_mountstats(stats, nfs_only, rpc_only):
>>> +    if nfs_only:
>>> +       stats.display_nfs_options()
>>> +       stats.display_nfs_events()
>>> +       stats.display_nfs_bytes()
>>> +    elif rpc_only:
>>> +       stats.display_rpc_generic_stats()
>>> +       stats.display_rpc_op_stats()
>>> +    else:
>>> +       stats.display_nfs_options()
>>> +       stats.display_nfs_bytes()
>>> +       stats.display_rpc_generic_stats()
>>> +       stats.display_rpc_op_stats()
>>> +
>>> def mountstats_command():
>>>    """Mountstats command
>>>    """
>>>    try:
>>> -        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ef:hnrsv", ["end", "file=", "help", "nfs", "rpc", "start", "version"])
>>> +        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ef:hnrsvS:", ["end", "file=", "help", "nfs", "rpc", "start", "version", "since="])
>>>    except getopt.GetoptError as err:
>>>        print_mountstats_help(prog)
>>> @@ -576,6 +591,7 @@ def mountstats_command():
>>>    nfs_only = False
>>>    rpc_only = False
>>>    infile = None
>>> +    since = None
>>>    for o, a in opts:
>>>        if o in ("-e", "--end"):
>>> @@ -594,6 +610,8 @@ def mountstats_command():
>>>        elif o in ("-v", "--version"):
>>>            print('%s version %s' % (sys.argv[0], Mountstats_version))
>>>            sys.exit(0)
>>> +        elif o in ("-S", "--since"):
>>> +            since = a
>>>        else:
>>>            assert False, "unhandled option"
>>>    mountpoints += args
>>> @@ -610,6 +628,9 @@ def mountstats_command():
>>>        infile = '/proc/self/mountstats'
>>>    mountstats = parse_stats_file(infile)
>>> +    if since:
>>> +        old_mountstats = parse_stats_file(since)
>>> +
>>>    for mp in mountpoints:
>>>        if mp not in mountstats:
>>>            print('Statistics for mount point %s not found' % mp)
>>> @@ -622,18 +643,15 @@ def mountstats_command():
>>>            print('Mount point %s exists but is not an NFS mount' % mp)
>>>            continue
>>> -        if nfs_only:
>>> -           stats.display_nfs_options()
>>> -           stats.display_nfs_events()
>>> -           stats.display_nfs_bytes()
>>> -        elif rpc_only:
>>> -           stats.display_rpc_generic_stats()
>>> -           stats.display_rpc_op_stats()
>>> +        if not since:
>>> +            print_mountstats(stats, nfs_only, rpc_only)
>>> +        elif since and mp not in old_mountstats:
>>> +            print_mountstats(stats, nfs_only, rpc_only)
>>>        else:
>>> -           stats.display_nfs_options()
>>> -           stats.display_nfs_bytes()
>>> -           stats.display_rpc_generic_stats()
>>> -           stats.display_rpc_op_stats()
>>> +            old_stats = DeviceData()
>>> +            old_stats.parse_stats(old_mountstats[mp])
>>> +            diff_stats = stats.compare_iostats(old_stats)
>>> +            print_mountstats(diff_stats, nfs_only, rpc_only)
>>> def print_nfsstat_help(name):
>>>    print('usage: %s [ options ]' % name)
>>> @@ -684,7 +702,7 @@ def iostat_command():
>>>    """iostat-like command for NFS mount points
>>>    """
>>>    try:
>>> -        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "f:hv", ["file=", "help", "version"])
>>> +        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "f:hvS:", ["file=", "help", "version", "since="])
>>>    except getopt.GetoptError as err:
>>>        print_iostat_help(prog)
>>>    devices = []
>>> @@ -692,6 +710,7 @@ def iostat_command():
>>>    count_seen = False
>>>    infile_seen = False
>>>    infile = None
>>> +    since = None
>>>    for o, a in opts:
>>>        if o in ("-f", "--file"):
>>> @@ -703,6 +722,8 @@ def iostat_command():
>>>        elif o in ("-v", "--version"):
>>>            print('%s version %s' % (sys.argv[0], Mountstats_version))
>>>            sys.exit(0)
>>> +        elif o in ("-S", "--since"):
>>> +            since = a
>>>        else:
>>>            assert False, "unhandled option"
>>>    if not infile:
>>> @@ -715,8 +736,8 @@ def iostat_command():
>>>        elif not interval_seen:
>>>            interval = int(arg)
>>>            if interval > 0:
>>> -                if infile_seen:
>>> -                    print('interval may not be used with the -f option')
>>> +                if infile_seen or since:
>>> +                    print('interval may not be used with the -f or -S options')
>>>                    return
>>>                else:
>>>                    interval_seen = True
>>> @@ -726,8 +747,8 @@ def iostat_command():
>>>        elif not count_seen:
>>>            count = int(arg)
>>>            if count > 0:
>>> -                if infile_seen:
>>> -                    print('count may not be used with the -f option')
>>> +                if infile_seen or since:
>>> +                    print('count may not be used with the -f or -S options')
>>>                    return
>>>                else:
>>>                    count_seen = True
>>> @@ -735,6 +756,11 @@ def iostat_command():
>>>                print('Illegal <count> value')
>>>                return
>>> +    if since:
>>> +        old_mountstats = parse_stats_file(since)
>>> +    else:
>>> +        old_mountstats = None
>>> +
>>>    # make certain devices contains only NFS mount points
>>>    if len(devices) > 0:
>>>        check = []
>>> @@ -754,7 +780,6 @@ def iostat_command():
>>>        print('No NFS mount points were found')
>>>        return
>>> -    old_mountstats = None
>>>    sample_time = 0
>>>    if not interval_seen:
>>> -- 
>>> 1.9.3
>>> --
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>> --
>> Chuck Lever
>> chuck[dot]lever[at]oracle[dot]com

Chuck Lever

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