As of commit 57e62324e469e092ecc6c94a7a86fe4bd6ac5172, the SETATTR nfsv4 command now null terminates fattr_owner and fattr_owner_group. Here is an example excerpt from a tcpdump Opcode: SETATTR (34) stateid [StateID Hash: 0xafa9] seqid: 0x00000000 Data: 000000000000000000000000 obj_attributes attrmask recc_attr: FATTR4_OWNER_GROUP (37) fattr4_owner_group: groupname@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx length: 25 This means that even though there are actually 24 characters in groupname@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, we now send 24 characters + 1 null character. Hence the total length of 25. Previously the client would send just the 24 characters and set length to 24. This isn't an issue for communication with other Linux machines, but it is an issue for interaction with AIX machines. As is discussed here. I attempted to read the RFC available here, but have not been able to find a statement instructing one way or the other. So the question becomes, is it correct for linux to be sending this null terminator when read against the RFC, or is it AIX's responsibility to handle null-terminated strings? Thank you, Dave. -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-nfs" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at