[Q] NFS IPoIB , NFS/RDMA which is fast??

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Dear members.

I'm measuring the performance NFS on IPoIB and NFS/RDMA.
I would like to ask the following questions.

1) Benchmark result.

  Does anyone tryied this benchmark??
  If so , could you please tell me that result??

â2) My test result and What is problem??

  I compared that. Please see my test result at below.

  I extpected NFS/RDMA faster than NFS IPoIB.
  However, NFS/RDMA is slower than NFS IPoIB.
  Expecially rsize,wsize larger equal 32768

  Could you please what is problelm ??

Thank you for your information.

1, Environment

  (1) Server
    CentOS 5.5 x86_64
    Kernel: (self build)
    OFED: any kernel modules does not use.
      Only startup script and nfs-utils used
      from OFED-1.5.3
    Memory: 8GB
    HCA: Mellanox InfiniHost III Ex.

  (2) Client
    CentOS 5.5 x86_64
    Kernel: (self build)
    OFED: any kernel modules does not use.
      Only startup script and nfs-utils used.
      from OFED-1.5.3
    Memory: 8GB
    HCA: Mellanox InfiniHost III Ex.

  Client and Server connected directly with Infiniband CX4 cable.

2, Configurations

  (1) NFS/RDMA

    1-1) Server exports (/etc/exports)

    1-2) Client mount
      mount.rnfs /mnt -i -o

  (2) IPoIB

    2-1) Server exports(/etc/exports)

    2-2) Client mount
      mount -t nfs  -o nfsvers=3,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,tcp,sync,rw /mnt

3, test result

  Please see attachement file. for more information.

   1GB write bs=(64MB) :
      NFS IPoIB : 661.499MB/sec
      NFS/RDMA  : 512.513MB/sec

   1GB read bs=(64MB) :
      NFS IPoIB : 592.250MB/sec
      NFS/RDMA  : 1.353MB/sec ( very slow )

4, about test tool

  This tool based on  blockdev-perftest which is included in SCST.

  this tool is using fio benchmark tool internally.

  I modified this script for file system,

  This command execute fio like the follwoing

     fio --rw=write # (and read)\
      --directory=/mnt/fio-testing \
      --bs=XXX \
      --size=1073741824 \
      --ioengine=psync \
      --end_fsync=1 \
      --invalidate=1 \
      --direct=1 \

    XXX is



Hiroyuki Sato.

blocksize        W   W(avg,   W(std,        W        R   R(avg,   R(std,        R
  (bytes)      (s)    MB/s)    MB/s)   (IOPS)      (s)    MB/s)    MB/s)   (IOPS)
 67108864    1.548  661.499    0.000   10.336    1.729  592.250    0.000    9.254 
 33554432    1.563  655.150    0.000   20.473    1.738  589.183    0.000   18.412 
 16777216    1.567  653.478    0.000   40.842    1.731  591.566    0.000   36.973 
  8388608    1.593  642.812    0.000   80.352    1.765  580.170    0.000   72.521 
  4194304    1.566  653.895    0.000  163.474    1.793  571.110    0.000  142.777 
  2097152    1.642  623.630    0.000  311.815    1.727  592.936    0.000  296.468 
  1048576    1.752  584.475    0.000  584.475    1.725  593.623    0.000  593.623 
   524288    2.009  509.706    0.000 1019.413    1.839  556.824    0.000 1113.649 
   262144    2.367  432.615    0.000 1730.460    2.128  481.203    0.000 1924.812 
   131072    2.934  349.012    0.000 2792.093    2.597  394.301    0.000 3154.409 
    65536    4.323  236.873    0.000 3789.961    3.342  306.403    0.000 4902.454 
    32768    4.824  212.272    0.000 6792.703    4.526  226.248    0.000 7239.947 
    16384    6.811  150.345    0.000 9622.082    6.372  160.703    0.000 10284.997 
     8192   10.747   95.282    0.000 12196.148   10.499   97.533    0.000 12484.237 
     4096   18.409   55.625    0.000 14239.991   17.611   58.145    0.000 14885.242 
     2048   34.319   29.838    0.000 15276.902   32.964   31.064    0.000 15904.866 
     1024   65.221   15.700    0.000 16077.276   62.440   16.400    0.000 16793.338 
      512  126.783    8.077    0.000 16541.271  121.787    8.408    0.000 17219.835 

blocksize        W   W(avg,   W(std,        W        R   R(avg,   R(std,        R
  (bytes)      (s)    MB/s)    MB/s)   (IOPS)      (s)    MB/s)    MB/s)   (IOPS)
 67108864    1.998  512.513    0.000    8.008  756.578    1.353    0.000    0.021 
 33554432    2.001  511.744    0.000   15.992 
  ** I stoppted this test. 

# ib_read_bw 

   #bytes     #iterations    BW peak[MB/sec]    BW average[MB/sec]
   2         1000           0.33               0.33   
   4         1000           0.66               0.66   
   8         1000           1.32               1.32   
   16        1000           2.62               2.61   
   32        1000           5.52               5.22   
   64        1000           10.90              10.90  
   128       1000           20.76              20.73  
   256       1000           41.56              41.38  
   512       1000           83.03              82.23  
   1024      1000           168.08             162.31 
   2048      1000           320.71             318.58 
   4096      1000           537.50             536.40 
   8192      1000           758.71             757.27 
   16384     1000           845.21             844.48 
   32768     1000           890.46             890.38 
   65536     1000           912.59             912.51 
   131072    1000           923.86             923.85 
   262144    1000           929.80             929.79 
   524288    1000           931.76             931.75 
   1048576   1000           933.19             933.19 
   2097152   1000           933.96             933.95 
   4194304   1000           934.32             934.32 
   8388608   1000           934.53             934.53 

# another NFS/RDMA test rsize,rsize=8192, 16384, 32768

**** 2011-04-13 22:18:22      ************
**** size=8192 ************
blocksize        W        W        W   W(avg,   W(std,        W        R        R        R   R(avg,   R(std,        R
  (bytes)      (s)      (s)      (s)    MB/s)    MB/s)   (IOPS)      (s)      (s)      (s)    MB/s)    MB/s)   (IOPS)
 67108864    2.444    2.439    2.449  418.986    0.700    6.547    1.674    1.683    1.680  609.890    1.360    9.530 
 33554432    2.454    2.431    2.464  418.029    2.364   13.063    1.688    1.679    1.681  608.561    1.394   19.018 
 16777216    2.444    2.461    2.457  417.282    1.236   26.080    1.686    1.681    1.683  608.318    0.742   38.020 
  8388608    2.461    2.482    2.465  414.692    1.526   51.837    1.685    1.688    1.695  606.160    1.502   75.770 
  4194304    2.475    2.492    2.495  411.691    1.461  102.923    1.696    1.699    1.697  603.300    0.443  150.825 
  2097152    2.529    2.523    2.536  404.852    0.850  202.426    1.720    1.723    1.724  594.543    0.587  297.271 
  1048576    2.616    2.609    2.620  391.588    0.681  391.588    1.780    1.775    1.772  576.687    1.071  576.687 
   524288    2.756    2.787    2.779  369.150    1.753  738.301    1.929    1.924    1.917  532.413    1.363 1064.825 
   262144    3.204    3.140    3.187  322.340    2.758 1289.361    2.097    2.092    2.113  487.473    2.074 1949.893 
   131072    3.688    3.676    3.701  277.634    0.768 2221.074    2.473    2.490    2.474  413.074    1.295 3304.591 
    65536    4.573    4.562    4.576  224.054    0.295 3584.865    3.368    3.354    3.382  304.042    1.032 4864.664 
    32768    6.854    6.891    6.896  148.831    0.406 4762.595    4.592    4.570    4.638  222.617    1.368 7123.748 
    16384   11.250   11.188   11.222   91.266    0.206 5841.028    7.045    7.037    7.019  145.586    0.225 9317.495 
     8192   11.823   11.765   11.805   86.797    0.178 11110.040    9.523    9.520    9.515  107.571    0.037 13769.033 
     4096   20.751   20.771   20.635   49.424    0.143 12652.454   17.926   17.932   17.917   57.127    0.020 14624.493 
     2048   39.540   39.485   39.401   25.940    0.038 13281.436   35.677   35.654   35.653   28.715    0.009 14701.863 
     1024   76.246   76.427   76.217   13.421    0.016 13743.425   71.061   71.065   71.055   14.410    0.001 14756.137 
      512  142.273  142.352  142.209    7.197    0.003 14739.822  132.722  132.492  132.666    7.721    0.006 15812.455 

**** 2011-04-13 23:58:34      ************
**** size=16384 ************
blocksize        W        W        W   W(avg,   W(std,        W        R        R        R   R(avg,   R(std,        R
  (bytes)      (s)      (s)      (s)    MB/s)    MB/s)   (IOPS)      (s)      (s)      (s)    MB/s)    MB/s)   (IOPS)
 67108864    2.066    2.064    2.053  496.850    1.380    7.763    1.188    1.181    1.187  863.898    2.257   13.498 
 33554432    2.055    2.057    2.063  497.491    0.821   15.547    1.200    1.184    1.187  860.292    5.001   26.884 
 16777216    2.062    2.070    2.072  495.167    1.036   30.948    1.194    1.188    1.188  860.509    2.042   53.782 
  8388608    2.070    2.083    2.086  492.392    1.648   61.549    1.200    1.194    1.200  854.763    2.021  106.845 
  4194304    2.095    2.111    2.106  486.697    1.548  121.674    1.212    1.211    1.212  845.117    0.329  211.279 
  2097152    2.138    2.159    2.136  477.549    2.309  238.774    1.244    1.243    1.243  823.593    0.312  411.796 
  1048576    2.239    2.247    2.230  457.420    1.419  457.420    1.306    1.302    1.303  785.478    1.023  785.478 
   524288    2.418    2.426    2.402  423.965    1.754  847.931    1.479    1.472    1.482  692.990    1.967 1385.980 
   262144    2.772    2.753    2.751  371.198    1.270 1484.793    1.630    1.631    1.630  628.092    0.182 2512.370 
   131072    3.237    3.249    3.235  316.018    0.602 2528.144    1.958    1.950    1.939  525.406    2.101 4203.248 
    65536    4.426    4.435    4.440  230.960    0.302 3695.368    2.542    2.536    2.514  404.646    1.930 6474.330 
    32768    6.826    6.824    6.823  150.051    0.027 4801.641    3.718    3.719    3.709  275.615    0.334 8819.679 
    16384    7.281    7.286    7.284  140.589    0.040 8997.667    5.331    5.339    5.328  192.024    0.167 12289.546 
     8192   11.798   11.910   11.925   86.214    0.413 11035.416    9.527    9.527    9.537  107.446    0.053 13753.142 
     4096   20.925   20.802   20.846   49.095    0.120 12568.307   17.955   17.950   17.937   57.056    0.024 14606.295 
     2048   39.976   39.984   39.841   25.643    0.042 13129.008   35.746   35.731   35.678   28.669    0.023 14678.410 
     1024   76.671   76.793   76.936   13.333    0.019 13653.360   71.187   71.197   71.138   14.387    0.005 14732.573 
      512  142.352  142.240  142.347    7.195    0.003 14736.196  132.752  132.504  132.624    7.721    0.006 15812.455 
**** 2011-04-14 01:19:53      ************
**** size=32768 ************
blocksize        W        W        W   W(avg,   W(std,        W        R        R        R   R(avg,   R(std,        R
  (bytes)      (s)      (s)      (s)    MB/s)    MB/s)   (IOPS)      (s)      (s)      (s)    MB/s)    MB/s)   (IOPS)
 67108864    2.007    2.000    2.007  510.810    0.842    7.981  396.626  541.706  812.201    1.911    0.539    0.030 
 33554432    2.009    2.028    2.016  507.525    1.971   15.860  722.354  902.984  632.485    1.390    0.199    0.043 
 16777216    2.017    2.030    2.025  505.932    1.339   31.621 1714.260 1263.500 2164.890    0.627    0.139    0.039 
  8388608    2.032    2.048    2.047  501.394    1.801   62.674 3387.870 4057.120 3246.640    0.290    0.027    0.036 
  4194304    2.049    2.060    2.049  498.866    1.258  

  -- stoppted here --

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