I am in the following situation : a file belonging to the user whose
(uid, gid) is (15678,15678) is to be exported via NFS through a client
and / or a server than knows nothing about this user (there is no entry
in /etc/passwd, in the yellow pages or whatever is used to maintain
users's maps).
When using NFSv3, I see this on the client:
# ls -ld unknown/
drwxr-xr-x 2 15678 15678 4096 Mar 28 11:15 unknown/
When using NFSv4 (the rpc.idmapd is running on both client and server
and is configured homogeneously) I see this:
# ls -ld unknown/
drwxr-xr-x 2 nobody nobody 4096 Mar 28 11:15 unknown/
With wireshark I can see that the server itself replies the string
"nobody" as OWNER and OWNER_GROUP. I guess the libnfslibmap (used inside
the rpc.idmapd) is not resolving (15678, 15678) and returns an error,
making the nfsd returning nobody. The nfs-utils-lib that I use is
1.1.5-1 (it's a F13 machine).
Is what I saw a regular behaviour ? How shoud I configure the client
and/or the server to have the same display in NFSv4 and NFSv3 when
querying attributes on objects belonging to an unknown user ?
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