Ah ha, yes, it's using a stat call.
What would be the proper C call to check the file exists without
incurring the stat()?
- Nathan
On 1/25/2011 2:28 PM, Trond Myklebust wrote:
On Tue, 2011-01-25 at 14:11 -0800, Nathan March wrote:
Hi All,
Having a strange issue, I've reproduced this both on nfs 3 and 4.
Currently using v4 with:
fstab: /mnt/voyage nfs4
rsize=32768,wsize=32768,noatime,nosuid,rw,bg,hard,intr 0 0
Can be produced using these two commands on 2 machines:
perl -le '$| = 1 ; while (1) { sleep 1; $res = -e "/home/voyage/test";
if ($res) { print "-e : $res"; } else { print "-e : $res ($!)"; } }'
-e : 1
perl -le '$| = 1 ; while (1) { sleep 5; open(F, ">",
"/home/voyage/test.foo"); close F; my $res =
rename("/home/voyage/test.foo", "/home/voyage/test"); print "rename
($res)"; }'
The first command will occasionally print out: -e : (Stale NFS file handle)
Now according to http://nfs.sourceforge.net/#faq_a10 as of 2.6.12 the
vfs should automatically retry when it gets a estale during path
resolution. This doesn't appear to be happening though based on the
errors I'm seeing.
Anyone have any thoughts on what might be happening here? Or am I
misinterpreting that faq entry? (This is on ext3 if it matters)
Does '-e' in perl only do a lookup, or does it result in a 'stat()'
call? If the latter, then your test is flawed: a stat() is a lookup+a
getattr, and the latter can definitely return ESTALE when you are
constantly replacing the file.
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